But that puts them at the opposite end of the party's political spectrum. yankee | definition: an American who lives in the North (especially during the American Civil War) | synonyms: Federal soldier, North, Northerner, American, Yank, Federal, Union soldier| antonyms: Dixie, gray, south-central, austral, meridional. actually had several overseas missions.In the beginning the South thought they would have European support which almost proved right. "Dixies" is really inappropriate for West Virginians, because, as noted above, they broke off from Virginia specifically because of their opposition to secession. Historian John Buenker has examined the worldview of the Yankee settlers in the Midwest:Because they arrived first and had a strong sense of community and mission, Yankees were able to transplant New England institutions, values, and mores, altered only by the conditions of frontier life. However, I agree that people in West Virginia are associated more with Appalachia (the Appalachia Mountains region) than with the Confederate South. Antonyms: southern. 7 Answers. The term Yankee and its contracted form Yank have several interrelated meanings, all referring to people from the United States; its various senses depend on the context. The plain term is "Southerner".
Update: I am doing a crossword puzzle and the clue is "The southern states of the US that joined the Confederacy during the Civil War."

After all, the Yankees won the war! Southerners is the opposite of Northerners and is generally not considered offensive Confederates is the name given to members of the Confederate States

Find more opposite words at wordhippo.com! I will see if I can find a reference on-line. New Englander, Yankee (noun) an American who lives in New England. "Dixies" is really inappropriate for West Virginians, because, as noted above, they broke off from Virginia specifically because of their opposition to secession. Jed Clampett was a member of the Beverly Hillbillies, a situation comedy in the USA. Even the Federal Government was controlled by bigoted Yankees and Irish who banded together against the Italian immigrant.The one anomaly of this era was the election of Yankee Republican Leverett Saltonstall as governor in 1938, and even then Saltonstall jokingly attributed his high vote totals in Irish districts to his 'South Boston face'. Answer Save.

Not at all (it is quite the opposite, very much the opposite of derogatory). When a Yankee (other than a baseball Yankee) is beyond his borders, so to speak, he risks the handle, damn(ed) Yankee. Top Answer. Antonyms for Yankee include certainty, non-American and un-American. Just click here. With ancestry in Maine I’ve been adopted by the state and have adapted to it.Enter your email address to follow this author and receive notifications of new posts by email. 2010-09-08 12:26:32 2010-09-08 12:26:32. What is the opposite of calling someone a Yankee? It depends on who's saying it. What is the collective term for the southern states in the USA who joined the confederacy in your Civil War?I am doing a crossword puzzle and the clue is "The southern states of the US that joined the Confederacy during the Civil War." The state is probably best known to the rest of the country for the tragic accidents that have occurred in its coal mines. (I don't want a derogatory word. I'm outside the US. Hard to be humorous without being derogatory--as in redneck, shitkicker, cracker, hillbilly.

Within the Southern United States, Yankee is a derisive term which refers to all Northerners, or specifically to those from the region of New England.

JavaScript is disabled. Tell your friends about the Rebel-Yankee Test! It has 9 letters and the last one is a D. Can anywone help me please?The collective term for the southern states who seceded from the Union is, Confederate States of America. Yankeeland definition, the northern states of the U.S. See more. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. What makes you think that there's something humorous about that state? "Dixies" is not a word we use for Southerners in general, let alone West Virginians (who, as has been explained, can't really be termed Southerners in the general sense of the word).