Both Know what is covered, know what isn’t, and choose the service that is best for you. Boat US has no urgency to come and get a member "in line" or fair order instead of a cash tow cal that may come up. Rather than tow us back, they wanted to go get us an alternator belt.
Friday, August 28, 2020 Guess I'm going with Tow Boat US. Whatever decision you make, when it comes to coverage, remember: it is better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. But he contended that his boat was in no immediate danger — his captain had, in fact, piloted the boat to the SeaTow boat — so there was no need for handling it as a salvage operation.
800-391-4869. BoatUSI have seatow and i used them last summer they were fast and very good to deal with.Now as far which is better i think they are both good and cant good wrong with either one. Do Costco or State Farm have some kind of promotion with either service? So start out being self-sufficient as much as possible and you’ll have less of a culture shock when you actually leave!When I was doing the research for this post, I compared both services and tried to decipher what they’re telling me as accurately as possible.
I tried to ask a few different customer service representatives for each service specific hypothetical situations and get answers on how their service would handle the situation.
Sea Tow!! We left the marina headed directly into the setting sun, crossing a place on the ICW known as the Miserable Mile. We operate primarily in Lake Washington, Lake Union, some Puget Sound areas and offer various vessel assist services such as distressed vessel towing, scheduled tow, fuel delivery, jump starts, soft ungrounding and more.
We wouldn’t have a choice of locations.
In return he asked where we were heading before our small crisis, called ahead to check on the tide for us (we couldn’t get into this anchorage except on a mid-rising tide. After 15 years & 25,000, the Western Caribbean, the Keys, Cuba and Bahamas, they decided to change the dream. Boat US can play games...someone at our marina grounded their sailboat, had Sea Tow coverage, but were new to the area and did not know if Sea Tow operated nearby. Tow Boat Seattle, LLC is a locally and independently family owned business. If we had not been able to jerry-rig it, we would have been in the middle of nowhere. My “home” service area of Charlotte Harbor offers extended coverage up to 150 miles offshore, but the Ft Myers franchisee is only 75 miles offshore. My boat insurance includes towing coverage for boat and trailer. Picking a provider is as simple as trying to decipher which one has the best coverage in the areas you plan to cruise – links provided below if you want to check. Glad to have it. The Unlimited Gold Towing Membership is right for you as dock-to-dock tows are 100% provided (for the purpose of repairs). Boat towing and on-water service with 24/7 assistance from expert captains. Also am a member now with them so that's good. Both services also have “value added” stuff to spice up their service … marina discounts, fuel discounts, etc. We carry the highest (don't recall what it is called) since the cost of not having and needing it is just too high.This is a no brainer . Sea Tow is $169, Towboat US is $157, but you have to buy a Boat US membership for $24, so it’s actually $181. we only thought it was a co we had a membership with but too late after finding out it wasn’t the exact one. I still have BOAT/US because they are based right at my Marina.unlimited tow insurance is the best dollar spent in boating....what a piece of mind....even new boat owners should have itMy decision was Boat US because they have a local presence for me. AAaaaarrrggggg!!!! The main difference is sea tow is attached to the boat....tow boat US is attached to the person. Once on Havasu (they towed me from the first no wake zone, back to Windsor) and once at Shasta. We’ve had good experiences with both. Both are bargains in our opinion. I have used Tow Boat US twice now. Dock-to-Dock Towing Options. Anybody have an opinion as to which is best?