He is also highly perverted as he constantly talks about hunky dudes and makes out with his Ken doll. Please help by adding some. Joseph also gets annoyed with Cody hanging out with/making-out with Ken, seeing to it that Ken is only a doll and not a real person. He has type one diabetes and takes pills to manage his blood sugar. The police ask what is going on and Cody responded that his doll got murdered but Junior constantly denies that. Junior said he is stupid and blind and he look behind the couch but couldn't see it either. YOU DON'T WANT ANY FOOD YOU SEXY BASTARD!?" Now, where were we?

He constantly references sexual matters and in Cody's also known to be extremely short-tempered at times, usually when Junior states that the sun is a planet, fails at math, or simply by other dumb mischiefs he always does. He has an IQ of 169. The episode starts with Cody stating that his stomach was rumbling from a 12-inch hot dog without chewing it and says his throat was all messed up. Another great example of Cody's excessive rage towards Junior was in the In a few recent SML videos, it is implied that Cody may have sexual feelings towards Junior, often trying to make sexual advances on him. He flexes on his microscopic penis. In "Shrunken" Junior shoots Cody with the shrink machine, causing him to lose his eyes. Junior then told the police that nobody got murder and it is just a doll that got thrown. He is a young, homosexual, nerdy Magikoopa who is best friends with Bowser Junior and Joseph, despite often being made fun of by them. When Cody wore a magician outfit, he had the ability to perform magic tricks. Febuary 21: Bowseris born. When struck by special lightning, Cody got the ability to transform into any object or person. He is also the adopted child to He is the only character introduced in the Summer School series to appear outside of the series. Junior and Joseph have tried to remove Cody's hat at some times but there always seems to be another one under it. Cody started panicking even more so Junior told him that he was just playing with him and it is just behind the couch. Despite all of this, Cody and Junior are still best friends and would be heartbroken if something were to happen to each other. Junior agrees so he threw Ken behind the couch and ate some McDonald's. But he uses his gifted intelligence to mostly pick up men. They say that the cop think it isn't worth the time to look for it.

Cody has been shown to have many medical disorders: He can be the tritagonist of most Bowser Junior videos (depending on the video) and a supporting protagonist of other videos, most notably certain Jeffy videos. He was never seen after his debut, and it is unknown if Cody still has him or not. Junior agrees so he threw Ken behind the couch and ate some McDonald's. Possibly Non Canon 1. Second is where when Junior telling Cody that he’s not getting pizza, Cody angrily beats up Junior for the second time making Junior go to the other side of the elevator. Cody still has a criminal record. When Cody doesn't wear glasses every once in a while, his eyes are revealed, and they are uneven. It's also said in Cody appears to be really smart, as he has actually built many different high-tech inventions despite his young age. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Cody is pretty much the only character other than Junior and Joseph who gets along with Toad very well, although in Wartortle was Cody's first Pokemon. He only came to summer school not because he failed, but because he wants to learn more.
", he was attached to the fireworks and Bowser Junior, Cody, and Joseph thought he died but he survived. Given that Ken is a doll, he is normally inanimate and is unable to interact with Cody. He evolved after catching Butterfree.
Throughout the series, Cody has been known to invent crazy gadgets that the episode centers on. However, something goes wrong with it, whether it's because of Junior's stupidity or an unexpected result. April 21: Princess Daisyis born 5.

Cody thought this would be a challenge until Junior responded that he might be fighting three bears and he might have heard plastic crunched. The police said he just wasted his time and removed his handcuff without the key. Febuary 14: Peach is born in the Mushroom Kingdom by her Father King George Toadstool 2.

Eventually his sister Katy met him again in Cody’s Sister for a bit before leaving him and so far hasn’t returned as she most likely got adopted to another family. They also kissed once. Cody became relieved and look behind the couch and he couldn't find it so he then ask Junior that he doesn't see it.

When he becomes a human he thinks that he's still hunky and hot. Junior tells Cody to use the bathroom which he was about to and asks Junior to watch Ken for him and makes sure he doesn't eat fast food. The episode starts with Cody stating that his stomach was rumbling from a 12-inch hot dog without chewing it and says his throat was all messed up. Brooklyn T. Guy: Ok, that's a bit interesting how there is a fifth wall. One day Judy bought him a ken doll which he fell in love with and even developed feelings for it even going as so far as to thinking it’s an actual person however this is because of his medical disorders.