In most of the cases, your fish will regrow its fins just like in its natural shape. T. Thyra Superstar Fish. cheekychops, May 30, 2012 #4. azurekoi Loaches & Gobies. Feed every few hours with very small Avoid keeping them with known fin nippers like tiger barbs and likewise avoid keeping them with fish that have larger fins such as angelfish because Black Skirts have been caught nipping fins themselves.

T Thyra; Mar 10, 2013 ; I bought black skirt tetras when I first got my tank three years ago. Though it is listed in non-fin nippers, sometimes it is prone to fin nipping if kept individually. Are black skirt tetras just aggressive or fin nipper? The black phantom tetra's natural diet consist of small The fish should be well conditioned to induce spawning. They should do fine in a community setup with smaller less aggressive species. Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2016. Jun 2, 2010 1,891 0 0 Yelm, WA. 1 decade ago. If you had a 30 gallon tank, and 8-12 serpaes, then the serpaes MIGHT ignore the other fish. Image Reference: Fish Care is dedicated to covering what is important to you as a Tetra Fish pet owner. by blackghost [June 15, 2020, 11:39:20 am] Capping Soil by blackghost [June 07, 2020, 11:48:35 pm] Removing silicone from gl... by blackghost [June 07, 2020, 11:47:10 pm] Questions about lights by newbiex [June 05, 2020, 11:25:01 am] Back again after a looooo... by blackghost [June 03, … Our free guide can help keep your tank clean and your fish healthy.

The first one is some fish like tiger barbs bites small chunks out of other fish fins as if assuming it as a food. Head and Tail Light Tetra (Beacon Fish) Species Profile But fins of the fish turning black is a sign of ammonia poisoning, and red streaks, a bacterial infection.Just like a human wound heals after a certain time, fish are also capable of healing their fin injury. In other areas, however, they prefer slow-moving, murky waters that are thick with vegetation. So knowing all the information before starting up anything is the key factor to success.

Once placed in the breeding tank, keep feeding to a minimum to preserve cleanliness.

Follow these things properly, and you will be unlikely to get a fins nipping problem in your aquarium. If fish are in conflict daily, rebuild your system into a larger tank. Sex. Mar 10, 2013 #2. Change the water frequently as they are sensitive to poor water quality.
Females are deeper-bodied and tend to have reddish pelvic, anal, and adipose fins. The male black phantom tetras have longer fins than the females and when in breeding condition, the females become plumper, but the biggest difference is in their color. This fish is of roughly tetragonal shape, light grey in coloring, with a black patch, surrounded by iridescent silver edging, posterior of the gills on each side. The breeding tank should have plants, both rooted and floating, and low light. But only if you treat the fins before it completely eats away the fins.

The black phantom tetra gets its name from its "eye patch" behind the gills as if a phantom is peering back at you. To stimulate breeding, pH is lowered to about 5.5-6, the general hardness of the water is also reduced below four degrees. Joined: Sep 29, 2010 Messages: 4,077 Likes Received: 61 Location: Pretoria. It depends on the nature of your tetra fish. However, fin rot can be white around the edges of fish fins. They can however, tolerate more neutral … If you add these fish to your aquarium you may even get the chance to observe "mock fight" displays between males.

Hyphessebrycon genus Tetras like Black Phantoms are … The list of things that you can do to avoid fin nipping problems among your fish are simply listed below for you;You shouldn’t mix your fish with the fish like cichlids and tiger barbs, which are territorially aggressive in nature.You should not keep slow swimming fish with the fish, which has fast swimming behavior.Setting up enough hiding spots like adding live plants in the aquarium etc.Before adding up the fish, get the proper facts of the related fish behavior. So, let’s get started:Unfortunately, the fin nippers tetras are higher in number in comparison to non-fin nippers. Anonymous. The Black Phantom Tetras are fairly good eaters and feeding them should be easy. The second one, due to territoriality, is like aggressive cichlids nipping the fins of other fish that enter their territory to deter them.Not instantly, but fin nipping surely can kill the fish. According to some studies the list of some tetra fish which are not so likely fin nippers are listed below;Generally, Glowlight Tetra is found to gelled up with most of the fishes and did not show any aggressive behaviors.This fish is a tropical fish and mostly good for beginner fish keepers. Give them a varied diet of fine flake and freeze-dried foods, as well as small live foods such as brine shrimp, to keep them in optimum health. And knowing whether your tetra fish is a fin nipper or not is also included in it. Some tetras tend to be fin nippers, whereas some of them are not. Although the males are mostly a smokey-silver, the females display some brilliant color. In some areas, such as Guapore (Brazil) and Paraguay, they can be found in clear waters that flow into the wetlands of Pantanal. Their body color ranges from tan, to grey, to a light black depending on mood and health. But it surely will take time for healing. But if you mix up the different species of fish altogether, it might risk your fish health in the end result. The Black Phantom Tetra feeds on small insects and worms as well as small crustaceans. They will develop a pecking order amongst the group. Unfortunately, the answer is not entirely clear. Black phantom tetras swim in large groups in the wild, so they do best in groups of at least eight or more in captivity. Black phantoms are also compatible with other peaceful species but can be threatened by more aggressive fish.