Her home-and-garden and nature articles have appeared in "Birds & Blooms" and "Alamance Today." Ferns with thick leaves, such as the bird's nest fern (Asplenium nidus), tolerate dryer air than lacy-leaved ferns. The tips of my birds nest fern are going brown but none have fallen off. Try placing the fern in the bathroom or kitchen where humidity is naturally high. Keep it submerged until the bubbling stops, then take it out of the water and let drain. If anyone knows why please help . The erect, spoon shaped fronds are apple green. Most ferns have three basic needs: shade, water, and humidity. When temperatures are above 75 degrees Fahrenheit you may have to water frequently to keep the soil moist to touch. The fronds on a birds nest ferns with too much light will tend to yellow first, but it looks like the leaves are a healthy green color (besides the brown spots!). As the water evaporates, it keeps the air in the immediate area moist. Keep the water level in the tray below the top of the pebbles so that the fern isn't sitting directly in the water. Humidifiers provide the ideal solution, but some people are put off by the high cost of purchasing the equipment and the energy it takes to run a humidifier all the time. The biggest obstacle to growing healthy ferns indoors is the dry air found inside most homes. Once this happens, clip out the damaged fronds - they won't recover - and keep the air around the fern as moist as possible. Below 60 degrees, wait until the surface of the soil is dry. If not too big, totally submerge the pot and if the soil bubbles, it's very dry. Do you mist it regularly/daily? imafan26 Mod Posts: 11273 Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:32 pm Location: hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev. Place it near the bright light of a south-facing window, but out of the direct reach of the sun's rays. Ferns with thick leaves, such as the bird's nest fern (Asplenium nidus), tolerate dryer air than lacy-leaved ferns. I have to do this to my ferns every couple of weeks because their root system takes up a lot of their pot. Keep ferns away from heating vents and radiators, which can dry them out.Ferns like moist soil, but not wet or soggy. The fern gully in the Australian National Botanic Gardens in Canberra is testament to the ability of bird’s nest ferns being able to be grown in cold areas if the right conditions exist. Once a pot dries out it may be difficult to water the fern because dry peat moss - most ferns like a lot of peat moss - resists water and the thick mass of roots makes it hard for moisture to penetrate. These problems are easily corrected when you understand the plant's needs.Ferns need high humidity to grow healthy, green fronds.

Bird's nest ferns can only tolerate winters outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 11 and 12, but you can grow them indoors anywhere.Most ferns scald in bright sunlight. The tips of my birds nest fern are going brown but none have fallen off. How to propagate a Bird’s Nest Fern. This fern has long, erect, leathery, apple-green fronds that never split like those of a Kimberly Queen fern or a Maidenhair fern. She holds a Bachelor of Science in medical technology from the University of North Carolina. Happy gardening in Hawaii.

You can create a moist microclimate around your fern by filling a tray with pebbles and water and placing the fern on top of it. Ferns give a garden a lush, tropical appeal, but when they don’t have the right conditions, the tips of the fronds can turn brown and crispy. Rabbit's foot fern (Davallia fejeensis, zones 10 through 12) and Japanese holly fern (Cyrtomium falcatum, zones 6 through 10) are exceptions that like the soil to dry slightly before watering. You may also see brown, dry fronds when ferns don't get the right amount of light or when you don't water or fertilize properly. Without adequate humidity, the fronds turn brown and dry. Harvest spores - The spores of your bird’s nest fern look like tiny brown lines on the undersides of the leaves. Frequent misting helps, but it isn't enough to solve the problem of dry air. This much fertilizer can burn a fern, causing the fronds to turn brown and dry out. It is an indoor plant and I'm not really sure what has caused this.

It is very difficult to propagate Bird’s Nest Ferns, though if you would like to try, it is best to use tissue culture method. Healthy plants in the right conditions can grow three feet tall. Native to southeast Asia, bird’s nest fern (Asplenium nidus), also known as spleenwort, is easy to grow if given the proper conditions—mainly warmth and humidity.An epiphyte (plants that can grow without soil and typically attach themselves to a host plant in nature), this fern grows naturally high in the trees of the rainforest, so it pairs nicely with bromeliads and orchids. Gardens are where people grow.A lot of times browning of the tips of potted plants tells you that the plant is not getting enough water to sustain itself. Place the pot in a sink to drain completely after soaking.The directions on many houseplant fertilizers call for dissolving a tablespoon of granules or 10 to 20 drops of liquid in a gallon of water and using it to water the plant as often as every two weeks. Boston ferns can grow outdoors in USDA zones 9 through 11. Place them near a north-facing window, and move them to an east-facing window in winter.

Boston fern (Nephrolepsis exaltata) is an exception. Allow the fern to rest for the remainder of the year, unless it is actively growing.Jackie Carroll has been a freelance writer since 1995. You’ll learn what causes brown tips on fern leaves and how to correct the problem in this article. It is an indoor plant and I'm not really sure what has caused this. Soak dried-out pots in a bucket of water that comes just above the rim of the pot for about 15 minutes to restore the soil moisture.