Is there anything that I can do to help my leaves be healthy again?Listen LUCKY BAMBOO ISNT BAMBOO it’s a look alike and it’s just bamboo by name. She seems the taste.One of my cats likes to eat these weird peanut butter filled pretzel pouch thingies, and he tries to eat almost anything salty, he has even tried to eat eggplant lasagna and a slice of pizza!
the bamboo photo you have shown is a lucky “bamboo” which is a.k.a. Maybe go undersea glam--hang layers of muslin dyed varying watery shades on the toilet/sink wall to mimic drapes/waves, a pearlized finish on the ceiling, crystal chandelier drops from the overhead venting, clusters of small round mirrors to imply bubbles, and something sandy on the floor--some kind of bamboo or grass matting. 1. Here are four ways to get your cat to stop eating your houseplants. It’s not unheard of that some house cats will enjoy certain human foods, but some may just surprise you. the vet gave her an antibiotic … One thing to keep in mind when considering your cat's care is which houseplants you keep inside your house. So how can I tell if it’s bad.Hello! Join me & my furries in our little corner of the feline-obsessed world. Anyone who has cats should know that Lilies are highly fatal to cats. My agent was a motherly figure, whose commission was moments away, selflessly paused and reminded me of the work involved in controlling the bamboo I was about to acquire. If your kitty does enjoy them, only feed them very small amounts of frozen bananas, no peels! Please, I still don´t know if Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’, a kind of bamboo that one of my cats love eating, is toxic or not. Didn't realize Home Depot had such a great selection online (local HD not so much).
Just give her water and watch for signs.Thanks so much for ALL the info here. Trying to figure out whether or not bamboo is safe for cats? Please, I still don´t know if Fargesia robusta ‘Campbell’, a kind of bamboo that one of my cats love eating, is toxic or not.I’m just a little confused by the alternative names, and/or subdivisions listed under Dracanae.
Broccoli is generally safe for most cats, but overeating it can cause gas, bloating, and diarrhea so if your kitty enjoys it, only allow it now and then.It is best to allow them to eat it cooked and plain or just with real butter. You are 100% correct.
Now he hates it!If you would like to receive emails about new articles and the occasional deal, enter your email address below!
Cow milk is not a good idea. Some cats find the texture appealing! ... Hey my cat used to eat any plants or flowers in the house! Many common plants are poisonous to pets, but bamboo is not one of them. My other cat likes chicken, ice cream, tortilla chip crumbs, (I didn’t mean to let him eat it. Otherwise, go nuts with a rustic camp theme--walls of reclaimed wood (pallet or otherwise,) whitewashed maybe, lots of mismatched hooks for towels and swimsuits, rough wooden boxes holding spare towels, sunblock, so on...a big basket of water toys, maybe hang some kooky inflatable from the main blank wall--an alligator or killer whale or something equally silly. If they overdo it, it can cause them to become nauseous and vomit, but no worries, this is one plant that is not toxic to cats, even if overeaten. In addition to bamboo, there are a number of other indoor houseplants that can make for a safe addition to any cat-filled home. Then use the natural shape of the leaves to trim off the damage. I've favorite-ed a couple. The goofball even tried to eat the cactus! Will this pass or should I have him seen by his vet?Hi Briahna! While it is not common, it is not unheard of. I didn’t know about bamboo!Very nice work! The best thing you can do is put it somewhere where he can't get to it. You may notice that your cat vomits shortly after eating grass—he or she is actually doing this on purpose. Cats do a lot of weird things. Source(s): lost a cat to a lucky bamboo plant. Thank you for letting us know about this mistake.One of our cats alwauswamts a tiny bite of manwich when we make them. Be sure not to leave anywhere your kitty can get into it! Unripened tomatoes are however very toxic so it is best to just keep this out of your cat’s reach.There is a surprisingly high number of cats who will accept and eat bread when given to them. They may want the cat to throw up the lucky bamboo or they may have something they can give the cat to combat any adverse reactions.What can I do to my leaves to help my plant to keep growing after my cats have chewed on it..There isn’t much you can do for the leaves, except trim them. This is because a lot of standard cat food brands have the same ingredients as bread. I also provided a list I found helpfull to me about any plants harmfull to cats. ALSO I had a cat years ago that LOVED banana, watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumber, ketchup!!
Trying to figure out if the plant you’ve got is toxic or non-toxic to cats? Wow!
I just brought the houseplant back in from my summer plant outing in