How did Amanda Todd die?
ayyyoooo. I already know about her death and that she was bullied and committed suicide. She is a victim of dumbass parents not teaching their child about REALITY... furthermore, SHE CHOSE to act like a slut during the webcam ordeal, SHE WAS NOT FORCED in anyway whatsoever by ANYONE, so from the get go, she created the foundation for all the crap that became the house and bed she had to lay in...SHE MADE EVERY SINGLE CHOICE OF HER OWN DOWNFALL FREELY AND WILLINGLY. Login to reply the answers Post; PoohBearPenguin. she kept drinking bleach. NO MATTER hat ANYONE SAID, no one physically assisted in her death, aside from herself. Favourite answer. She didn’t so later she got a knock on her door at 4 am. But what did she do to create suicide? This may have happned a while ago but there are still a lot of teenagers and kids going throught this **** everyday and wither everyone leaves them to fight alone or they join the enemy. Amanda T. D: Answer Save. Favorite Answer. 8 Answers. Her name was Amanda Todd, her story was that she was 12 or 13 when it all started. we need to put an end to this. 7 years ago "It's a really sad story..." Yes it is.
I am sick of being surrounded by idiots who give a pity party to an attention seeking crybaby boo hoo bs sob story. Guess she shoulda kept those little titties covered, huh... fuking idiotsNo one should ever go through the pain Amanda went through. 0 3 0. She later on hung herself in her room. She was murdered by each and every person that chose to 'kick her when she was down'. She made a big mistake and she also admitted it, but a human shouldn't have to commit suicide just over a mistake. Amanda todd was an angel she did nothing to deserve what happened to her.
1) the man who manipulated her into sending the topless pix then deliberately manipulated her classmates/future co-workers to torture Amanda.3) the boy's girlfriend who beat her up because her boyfriend cheated on her with Amanda. Nobody and i mean NOBODY deserves to go through the pain that she went through. She drank bleach when she went home and had to be rushed to the hospital to have her stomach pumped, she said. She started cutting so much and did drugs, and drank alcohol. Im not sure if he has or not but that really makes me ******* angry because he has made another person take their own life. Its not the way out of life. She talked about drinking bleach before and cutting herself but I don't know how she actually died.All of the people are making a big deal about the bleach because even when she moved away, her bullies would tag her in pictures of bleach and taunt her with that. R.I.P. I may only be 13 but i know that there is more to be done than what is already done.I understand why Amanda took her own life.i went through the something she did.i may have not flashed my man land on line but then we didn't have the internet in my day,but still bullying is still bullying no matter when it happens or how does get to a point where you can't take it anymore and at that age its your whole deepest sympathy's goes out to the Todd family.i only wished I seen that video when it first came out I would have dropped everything and went to Canada and tried to help her in someway.i cried so hard when I had heard what and the way it happened.i can't even look at a picture of her on the net and enormous regret that I could have done something to please to all the youths out there believe in yourself and remember you do are special and you do matter.The commandment "Thou shalt now kill", means Thou Shalt Not Destroy Some One's Reputation. She then moved and got into drugs and alcohol, a year past and the guy came back with her new list of friends and made a facebook page. 7 years ago. As juvenile as Amanda Todd was once, I observed her moves selfish, and when I see teens like Malala combat for her life just to move to university? I cry everytime i hear the name. 8 years ago. And this is my point of why bullying needs more discipline in all schools.Poisoned herself with bleach. One mistake. I consider for her family but I haven't any sympathy for a cadaver. Lv 4. She talked about drinking bleach before and cutting herself but I don't know how she actually died. Wiki User. Amanda Michelle Todd (born November 27, 1996) committed suicide on October 10, 2012 at the age of 15 at her home in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada.She was a sophomore when she died. Anonymous.
Lv 7. Relevance. Who knows how many other people he is doing that to? She cried every night. I'm just curious as to how she killed herself. It is no ones fault, but her own, PERIOD,. On September 7, 2012, she posted a video on YouTube called My Story: Struggling, bullying, suicide and self-harm.Todd's suicide was written about in lots of newspapers. One. She ended up trying to kill herself again. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. During Bullying: I think that bullying does not have enough discipline in schools all across the world. Malala from Pakistan knows bullies; she's fourteen years old and was gunned down by bullies. Its not helping it's making it worse. So one day she was on an online website and she had met a guy that was older than her but yet she hadn’t known. Amanda todd was an angel she did nothing to deserve what happened to her. Her picture was on on his page, she later started cutting herself.
I already know about her death and that she was bullied and committed suicide.