It’s not like you have to work that hard to get this one either. That 33 initiative on Special Mixture is just, meh. Well, it can be.The high movement means that you can dash over to a monster that will be especially tricky to deal with or one that has an amazing special coming up on it’s next turn, and then Stun it so that it’s not a problem anymore!You’ll get an experience and generate some Light for being awesome too!That top heal is what you’ll use this card for most of the time. My Sunkeeper was called Valerie Lightwalker which I made up really quickly!

I'd opt for +1 on the pull range.I love Thief's Knack mainly due to the bottom attack, but I've been recently starting to swap it out with higher level cards so I'll probably refrain from enhancing it.Swift Bow used to be a fine choice for a movement enhance but with the 2nd edition nerfs I'm really not sure about it anymore. It gives you more options. Very nice. Fantastic in the final room though in a defeat everything scenario.So helpful to have another Light generating ability. If you enjoyed this Sunkeeper guide, check them out – If you enjoy Gloomhaven as much as I do, it’s natural to want to upgrade it to improve your gaming experience. Consuming Light for extra 2 Move and an Experience point seems like a high price to me, though.

This is definitely worth having in your hand for this damage and support build.That Loss icon jumps out doesn’t it?! It’s far more flexible than Flintlock and we aren’t building a klepto Scoundrel. But really, we’ll use the top of this card most of the time so that matters less. No wonder it’s a Loss.But let’s break it down. How often that happens will depend on your ability to move to where you need to, and your ability to manipulate the position of your monsters too. She hits single targets hard and manipulates their locations for higher damage. Both are situational cards and I can see either of them working depending on your playstyle and group. That is very irritating to draw on your low abilities and can mean you do nothing on an ability like Quick Hands or against a shielded monster. It’s amazing.Especially for that final room when you’re so, so close to winning and everyone needs to use their final few turns causing damage rather than healing!

By this point, you’ll not be far off having Crippling Poison at Level 6 if you haven’t already got it.

There are no good or bad cards in Gloomhaven. After all, if you can reduce the damage you take, the more frequently you can give out your heals to your allies.A move 3 is better than a Move 2, right? The invisibility buff on the bottom ability is more useful. My free monthly newsletter featuring: my latest game strategies, Kickstarter picks, what I’m playing + special extras! Normally a scenario takes 10-15 rounds, so even the Scoundrel’s low stamina of 20 active rounds is plenty, if you play her cards right…

And of course it helps your allies too, we’re not completely selfish. It usually means you can reach all your party.When people aren’t dealing with Poison, a sprinkling of a 1 heal for everyone is nice.At Level 1, we’re massively lacking in Light generation because it mostly comes from Loss abilities.

And I also have a second pair of boots I wear in certain situations as well.Flanking strike is a high damage card, not sure if putting conditions on it makes sense. Okay, so Gloomhaven as a whole has a fundamental rule and one that should be observed by all characters throughout the game.

These character differences have some consequences:High stamina characters (Tinkerer, …​) play lost cards more oftenA Tinkerer that plays 2 lost card before the first rest still has more stamina than a Brute.Low stamina characters (Scoundrel, …​) use long rests more oftenFor example, a Scoundrel can play those 25 rounds of a Brute or MindThief if she takes 5 long rests:Long rests refresh spent items, so spent items are more useful to a Scoundrel than to a Tinkerer.Normally a scenario takes 10-15 rounds, Always going to be useful!Both Move abilities are helpful here and that 29 initiative comes in handy too!At level 1 we can choose to use the level X cards in our starting hands.

The top ability of Smoke Bomb is just awesome and it’ll scale well with our other abilities as we level. I play in a four-player Gloomhaven group. It means you’ll like get to go second which is what we want.

For me, the situational double damage on the bottom ability is not as good as the top of Smoke Bomb.

The situational Wound bonus on the top ability is great and if we don’t manage to get it on that try, never mind. The bottom of the card gives us a useful Pull ability when we need it.A minor heal 3 is ok. We will likely get hit on the odd occasion because we’re upfront and personal with the monsters, even if we are dodging in and out of the fray. Yes, please!

Even though ranged abilities are not hugely aligned with this build, this one is worth considering. So start with the Ignore negative item effects and add two +1 cards.Like with all Gloomhaven classes, improving your modifier deck is a high priority thing to do. Well, I know something that will create Dark for us – Smoke Bomb! It’s a handy way for us to move up to our next target and give out some Poison to boost our next hit on them. You can’t be a versatile all things for all situations kind of player – you just don’t have the cards for it. You’re primary role is not healer, but you will always use that heal. The 93 initiative is a great, high number for when we want to go last in a turn. That means taking in no more than 3 Loss abilities per scenario.The Scoundrel can last up to 20 rounds with her hand limit of 9, without using potions and using no Loss abilities. From items to actions, strategy, enhancements, and more.

That’ll deal an epic 7 damage.

You can add damage or condition/curse on top action and add jump on bottom action.

Mind control is not something I’d associate with a rogue, so I like to think of this ability as you tricking them to move instead.

Love that bottom attack action with XP and now I can hit the heavy shield guys and let them bleed out.And I added Jump to one of my Move 5s.