Reptiles that are fed primarily soft foods may not have adequate opportunities to chew and wear down its beak. Trimming a tortoise’s beak. Couldn't hurt to try it. I noticed that my russian tortoise's beak is a bit overgrown, I looked up some info and decided that I am going to feed him on slate to help keep it trimmed down and file his nails a bit. Brock Yates has a passion for educating people about turtles & tortoises. An overgrown beak can occur in any captive turtle where the diet or environment, or both, is insufficient to help keep the beak trimmed down. Not much is needed, but you will definitely want to make sure that the pair of clippers you select is an appropriate type. Human cuticle clippers or pet scissor nail clippers will both work.2) Paper towels or another type of soft towel or wrap.3) A nail file. If you are careful and very delicate, you might be able to trim the beak while the tortoise’s head is inside the shell, but it’s much easier if you can gain access while the tortoise has its head outside the shell.Sometimes, it’s helpful to grip the tortoise’s head gently but firmly for a few brief moments while another person utilizes the clippers to trim the beak. You can trim the beak yourself at home using basic household materials.
You may need to try both out to see which the tortoise prefers. If you have ever cut dog/cat/rabbit nails, then you know there is a "quick" that should be avoided. They will likely do everything in their power to tuck in their feet as much as possible when you try to trim their nails.
Your tortoise needs more fiber in its diet too. In captivity, however, they often overgrow due to the causes outlined above. Aquatic turtles don’t need their beaks trimmed like turtles, but box turtles may need theirs trimmed.If you look at the above tortoise, you can see that its beak is extending down past its jaw and is overgrown.
It is a tricky task. Otherwise, soft food may be necessary to make sure that the pet gets proper nutrition. It's how they keep those beaks filed naturally, after all An outdoor enclosure with lots of "the good stuff" growing so he can feed himself is the way to go. Turtle and tortoise beaks grow continuously, just like fingernails, so unless the underlying problem is addressed, the condition will worsen with time.A significantly overgrown or abnormally worn beak can usually be diagnosed by simply observing a turtle or tortoise’s facial structure. Reptiles that are fed primarily soft foods may not have adequate opportunities to chew and wear down its beak. and do tortoises like it? This beak is around twice the length it should be. If an animal’s beak becomes overgrown or does not wear properly, it may have difficulty eating.Poor beak alignment often begins when a turtle or tortoise is fed an improper diet when it is young and growing. Disclaimer: While you can do it yourself we highly recommend having an expert grind down an overgrown beak. Sometimes the sensation of touch elsewhere on the animal’s body will bring it out of hiding.2) Push in gently on the leg on the other side of the retracted limb. If possible, you’ll want to make sure that you can keep the legs inside the wrap so the tortoise doesn’t push the clippers away or use them to shield its face.Next, you’ll want to be very patient in order to gain access to the tortoise’s face.
The speedier you are able to perform the process, the less stress you will cause the animal.Once you’ve determined which type of nail clipper works best for you and your animal, you will simply trim the nail as close to the quick as possible without actually hitting the quick itself. Having an extra set of hands around to hold the animal makes the process much easier and safer for the tortoise.Grip the head of the tortoise firmly by the sides of its head, behind the eyes.
Tortoises are strong animals, but take care not to twist or jerk the head when handling it to prevent injury. He is eating fine. And please – if you’re not comfortable performing these procedures or you think that you might injure the animal by performing them, take the reptile to a vet. Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. It will likely keep moving the beak away and may even tuck the head into the shell making it difficult to trim the beak.Having another person can make the entire process simpler.
Like us, tortoises have their preferences too. This is particularly useful underneath the shell on the plastron. We don’t usually use the guillotine type of clippers as we find they provide less accuracy, particularly with terrestrial turtles and tortoises. Tortoises are strong animals, but take care not to twist or jerk the head when handling it to prevent injury. It’s essentially a blood vessel within the nail or claw.The corn starch is really just a precautionary measure. Please be patient with your pet and don’t attempt to trim their nails if you don’t feel you are capable and prepared for this measure. Rub a fingernail file carefully over the beak to wear it down to the desired size.