And I’m going to explain here why.According to the 2018 Paparazzi’s Income Disclosure Statement (thankfully, they do provide such a document while But the problem with this document is that they only list the monthly bonuses.

And for a product of low quality too.

But there is […]These are some of the most common questions we get from our awesome Paparazzi Accessories customers. They also cause testicular atrophy and sterility. Sometimes hypoallergenic jewelry still contains nickel. Love the Makeup, not the sales pitch or parties. Paparazzi jewelry is also known to be lead free and nickel free as well. But I wanted to get an answer straight from Paparazzi jewelry is made of primarily iron and includes other trace minerals such as zinc, steel, aluminum, or copper.Paparazzi jewelry isn’t labeled as hypoallergenic. Summary: Paparazzi Accessories offers a business opportunity to make money selling jewelry as a direct seller or recruiting a team using the MLM or Multi-Level Marketing method. Here is their actual response.
[PubMed Abstract] Radiation Research 2011; 175(3):390-396.

It really has nothing to do with the costume jewelry itself.Traditionally with direct sales jewelry companies, you flip through the season’s catalog and choose what you want to order.
Paparazzi Accessories is known for its $5 price tag. Is Paparazzi a legitimate company or is it a scam?As I said, Paparazzi uses an MLM business model that’s structured around making your money by recruiting other people, rather than making money by selling the product.In essence and somehow indirectly, this is an illegal Because they are legitimately selling the product, they get away with it.You don’t actually make any money with Paparazzi products. Given the fact that each of the products costs only 5 bucks, your commission on any sale will be $2.25. And that’s used to track the sales and that’s basically it. Since Paparazzi accessories are all very wearable, you can wear them while you raise awareness and funds for your cause. You can choose from a wide selection of unique accessories that have been designed and created with the fashionable woman in mind. So, if we take $5 (that’s the end cost for the customer, and it never could be more, that’s a rule!) Malaika Burley The only way these MLM programs really work is if you have a never-ending supply of friends!Thank you for sharing your experience with Paparazzi!Keeping the prices of jewelry so low, people might think that it will be easy to convince buyers to give in and make sales easily but this can’t be further from the truth! I don’t think people are happy buying cheap quality jewelry as you said. Brominated Tris is a mutagen, and causes cancer and sterility in animals.

Another way to earn here that is typical for lots of the MLMs out there is through recruiting other people to do the exact same thing as you do. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article, and now, you’ve got your answer to the question: I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this Paparazzi business opportunity or, if you have any more questions about it, or anything else, please leave a comment down below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.Sending my best wishes to you and until my next post Usually people that can’t wear costume jewelry get skin irritations because of the nickel it contains. This is a very interesting review of Paparazzi Jewelry. I assume that this is the fee paid for the right to be part of Paparazzi and buy their products at wholesale prices, plus you get a free website.While paying companies for this doesn’t sit well for me, I prefer more the On the promotional Paparazzi materials, any new Paparazzi consultant reads: “Parties are the lifeblood of any successful Paparazzi business”.This is what you’ll need to do in order to sell Paparazzi products. Most probably, you are a woman who wants to support her family cause that’s the exact category Paparazzi appeals too. If I had to depend on parties I would not have signed up. What is Paparazzi Jewelry Made of? I’m having second thoughts now that there are a few red flags that you’ve brought up. Let’s, first of all, figured out what is a replicated website?A replicated website is where your customers can shop online directly from Paparazzi.