His refusal ends up condemning him to death. Her reading habits lead to her arres… Start studying Crucible Act 1 Quotes.

Parris. Throughout the first three acts, John has demonstrated that he does not blindly follow authority, whether of the church or state. Abigail, on the other hand, has no such sense of closure, as this quote makes clear.

Elizabeth has been accused by Abigail, but Danforth reveals that she’s told the court she is pregnant. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select.Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. He i c…John's wife. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. (Parris to Abigail) Meaning is she didn't stop messing around with John Proctor she would have consequences behind her actions. Quote 6 Rebecca knows that the little girl is playing a joke and can see right But John tells them that he feels he is finally recovering from his many sins – he has found a “shred of goodness” in himself by refusing to falsely confess. This exchange foreshadows their final scene in the play, when she shares that she has realized she had been too harsh to him.In Act 3, the action moves to the courthouse, where Deputy Governor Danforth is presiding over the trials of residents of Salem accused of witchcraft. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. She was once a server of the Pro…Young minister & an ¨expert¨ in witchcraft, he is called to Sa…The wife of John Proctor who is accused of witchcraft by Abiga…Local farmer who is married to Elizabeth Proctor, he has had a…The niece of Reverend Parris. He explains the affair is the reason Abigail is after his wife’s life.

In the first act, John encounters Abigail on her own at her uncle’s house, a rare opportunity for them to talk together without anyone else around (except for Betty, who is supposedly unconscious on her bed). John Proctor is willing to throw aside his good name to save his wife.John closes out Act 3 by yelling this at Danforth, who has allowed Abigail to seize control of the trials again. This stance often puts him at odds with people who represent authority, such as Rev. She fired Abigail when she discovered that her hu…A local farmer who lives just outside town; Elizabeth's husban…The servant in the Proctor household and a member of Abigail's…A young minister reputed to be an expert on witchcraft. Here, John admits that he remembers his time with Abigail fondly, but that they’ll never be together again. Quote 3 "Now look you, child, your punishment will come in it's time."

why…who does Parris say has robbed him and vanished from the town?Local farmer who is married to Elizabeth Proctor, he has had a…The niece of Reverend Parris. She was once a server of the Pro…-represents someone with power... -white hair; 72 years old; walk…-according to Abigail: bitter, lying, cold, gossiping liar... -fi…-mid 30s... -farmer... -feared and respected in Salem -Elizabeth Pro…-17 years old... -subservient ... -naïve... -lonely girl... -timid ... -Proct…-represents someone with power... -white hair; 72 years old; walk…-according to Abigail: bitter, lying, cold, gossiping liar... -fi…-The wondering cows represent the chaos and deterioration of t…-Danforth to Hale when Hale is asking for more time to attempt…-Talking to Elizabeth... -Simile... -At first Hale was proud of his…-John is talking with Elizabeth about what he should do (shoul…-The wondering cows represent the chaos and deterioration of t…-Danforth to Hale when Hale is asking for more time to attempt…John's wife.

He is angry that Parris is the…a religious old woman who has often acted as a midwife for wom…a minister and an expert on witchcraft.

Mrs. Putnam believes that supernatural forces (witchcraft) were the cause of her babies' deaths This moment sets up the action of the rest of the scene, in which Elizabeth lies to protect John’s reputation.In Act 3, John approaches Danforth in hopes of proving, through his servant Mary’s testimony, that Abigail is lying about witchcraft. When Abigail begins to call on God to help her, John loses his temper and confesses to Danforth that he had an affair with her. Crucible Act 1 Quotes "Now look you, child, your punishment w… "Your name in the town - it is entirely… "They want slaves, not such as I.