If you want to understand the message that the tiger is giving to you, it is important to analyze the whole situation that has appeared in front of you. Tiger carries the powers of a Shaman. This stopped them but a short time; they devoured it at onceand again ran howling after the sledge. Two goats once met on a highnarrow path, where there was just room for one to walk. "The hart or hind is remarkably sure-footed as well as swift: this mayexplain one or two verses in the Bible. Canst thou put a hook in his nose ? And do you remember thatalthough the people had always been worshippers of idols, they had castthem all away just before the missionaries came?
"Several animals of the deer kind are mentioned in the Bible under thenames of Fallow-deer, Hart, Hind, and Roe-buck. What does a tiger symbolize? The sun ariseth, they gather themselves together, and lay themdown in their dens." They are very kind to the oldbirds, too; and I have read that the younger storks sometimes carry theold ones on their wings when they have become tired with flying a greatway; and bring food to them in their nests just as the old ones used tobring it to them. These foxes orjackals have been known to scratch away the earth from graves that havebeen lately made, and then devour the bodies of the dead. He swalloweth the ground with fierceness and rage: neitherbelieveth he that it is the sound of the trumpet.
It will help you understand better what the Tiger as a spirit animal in your life means.As we have already said, the primary meaning of the Tiger as a spirit animal are raw feelings and emotions, as well as its primal instincts. This mockerywould have been very wrong, even if Elisha had not been a holy prophet,for God has said, "Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honorthe face of the old man;" but the children were really dishonoring Godin their treatment of his servant, and it was for this reason that Hewas so displeased with them.Do you remember what David said when he was trying to persuade king Saulto let him go and fight with the great giant Goliath? And then how busy the little creatures are! The Bible says, when speakingof a wicked man, "He lieth in wait secretly, as a lion in his den; helieth in wait to catch the poor; he doth catch the poor, when he drawethhim into his net. When they alight on the ground they all comedown in a body, and immediately begin to devour the grass and grain;they also eat the leaves of the trees, and every green thing they canfind. The Bible says, "Thou makestdarkness and it is night; wherein all the beasts of the forest do creepforth. Afterwards he was to take the live goat, layboth hands upon his head, and confess over him the sins of theIsraelites, "putting them upon the head of the goat." It is almost always under ground, and we should think that thelittle creature could not be very happy; but its skin is as smooth andhandsome as that of any animal, and it seems very well contented withits dark home. It is very kind indeed to its youngones, and takes pains to find some things for them that it does notitself eat. From a Shamanic standpoint Tiger symbolizes healing, the immune system and clearing environmental toxins from your system. "This is a very beautiful and innocent bird, and no one is mentioned morefrequently in the Bible. You see how eager the people were to get them, for theycould not even sleep at night through fear that they should not have asmany as they wanted; so they stood up to gather them "all that day, andall that night, and all the next day.
Youhave heard about Abraham, and know that he was a good man and a friendof God.
And noI hope that whenever you see the names of any of these animals in yourBible, you will take pleasure in noticing what is said about them, andwill remember what I have told you. She is hardened against her young ones as thoughthey were not hers." It may happen that you make a decision quickly, which may not be good for you. He paweth in the valley, andrejoiceth in his strength; he goeth on to meet the armed men. It is for thisreason that in the city of Cairo, in Egypt, there is a law forbiddingany person to kill a vulture. The tiger is a symbol for power and energy all over the world. One says that he saw a company consisting of somany that they were an hour in passing over the place where he was.They seemed to extend a mile in length and half a mile in width. She had been hurt herself by the guns,but she crawled along to her cubs, put her paw upon them, and tried tohave them get up; and when she found that they did not move, she went afew steps off, and then looked back with a sad, moaning noise, as thoughshe expected them to get up and follow her. You must be angry on someone and you have the need to act agressively.Also, the Tiger as a spirit animal can be a symbol of a threat. Seeing a sitting Lion in a dream may portend an upcoming change in your role to being a leader or teacher.
Petting a tiger refers to your hidden desires to do things that are contrary to your nature. And he asked God tolet him know in this way which I will tell you. Like the hart and hind, it is noted for itsswiftness: so we read, in 1st Chronicles, 12 : 8, of men who were "asswift as the roes upon the mountains."