Everyone has their own spiritual and intuitive language, so sit still and listen to what a dragonfly means to you. I would finally feel released from my depression and anxiety, only to have it reemerge again later. Dragonflies represent transformation through self-awareness as you keep taking big spiritual steps and creating a structured lifestyle that fosters long-term growth. I don’t think I’m ever going to. The others were black n brown.They also scared a wasp away from me that was harassing me.

The word Dragonfly and the family it belongs to, Odonata, have evolved from the many myths associated with Dragonflies and their taxonomic cousins, the Damselflies. I think it is a sign from her reaching out to say she’s ok and checking on us. This could be staying at a job you don’t like, being in an unhealthy relationship, or having self-sabotaging behavior stop you from success. Of course, if you’re near water or a pool, seeing a dragonfly might not be unusual. Are you able to exercise self-discipline via stopping what you are doing so that you have time to observe circumstances and situations? The dragonfly invites you to observe and reflect upon your own spiritual journey, and to find the balance between taking action and sitting still to let your ideas to sprout and take root. I’m very sorry for your losses but I hope you find peace in knowing your family still lives on in the spirit world and may the dragonflies be a reminder of their love. The dragonfly is an expert hunter, resting in perfect stillness until just the right moment to seize an opportunity.

Thank you so muchLaura: Well the hawk is definitely your spirit animal. They visit me often...landing on my shoulders in our "city backyard". If a dragonfly enters your home, take a moment to thank it for bringing these spiritual gifts to your home, and keep the windows or doors open for it to leave on its own. Beautiful. Plan ahead and stay watchful for issues to which you may have turned a blind eye. Its wings are rapidly moving while the body stays perfectly still. Husband brought home car we are considering the purchase of for a test drive. Many people ask if dragonflies are a sign that their angels or spirit beings are nearby and sending them a message. Once we become aligned to our higher wisdom, we can step out in the sunlight and begin to create the reality we were meant to live. This intuitive “knowingness” allows the dragonfly to seize opportunities that come its way, seeing the synchronistic significance and higher alignment. I gently guided it back away down onto the screen. Dragonflies have a high vibration and are very sensitive to spiritual energies around it. This balance between action and meditation allows it to survive and thrive in the wild. The Art Nouveau movement of the late 19 and early 20 centuries made much use of dragonfly symbolism as well.

In spiritual growth, both action and meditation in a balanced way are necessary. Dragonfly energy is perfect for digging in, embracing, and understanding emotions.If you are stuck in an emotional pattern or just stuck in a temporary rut, give over to the dragonfly’s transformative power.If your personal spirit animal is a dragonfly, you’re likely to be highly adaptable and quick thinking.

If you have dreams and visions of dragonflies, see them in synchronistic ways, or find that you attract dragonflies in our life frequently, these are signs that a dragonfly might be your animal spirit guide. and every since then I see dragon flies alot I love seeing them because I feel like it’s my parents watching over me. Some people have such a strong bond with dogs,...Crystal Clear Intuition is a blog and online resource to help you develop your intuition and align to your highest purpose. The longer you stick with this journey, the higher your vibration and manifesting potential becomes until you do the final molt into the vibrant dragonfly phase. I rarely see dragonflies, alive or dead. The dragonfly has been a subject of intrigue in every single continent it is found in, and with each civilization, has developed a unique meaning to it, its behavior and its lifestyle. My Dad passed the end of January, my brother, in April, then my Mom on May 9th. But those dragonflies made me pause for a moment and think of all those sad and beautiful stories people have sent me over the years, the belief that so many people have about dragonflies and the afterlife. Then, it transforms and evolves into the flying wonder we see around us, but very little of a dragonfly’s life is actually spent flying through the open air. In most cases, you’ll find that slowing down and being cautious is a wise decision.Many cultures have been attracted to the beauty of dragonflies and depicted them in artwork, clothing, or jewelry. The more modern name of the dragonfly comes from the myth that they once were dragons.Some cultures imagined dragonflies as elemental messengers with the spirits of Devas inside them. It waits in silence until the perfect moment to launch at a high velocity to catch its prey.