You may think that you’re imagining the subversive behavior because the person doing it may be very friendly to your face, even acting like your buddy. I'd like to have a … If you weren’t invited to a meeting, for example, you can approach the person who left you off the invite, tell them you’re sure it was an oversight, and ask them to include you in the future. But I’d like you to start with me first so that I have a chance to hear your concern. Make sure you’re getting good information from your network or other sources so you don’t look inept, unprepared, or out of touch.When the undermining coworker does something concrete, approach him about it. If the job is worth fighting for, then fight.Thank you for the fabulous article and insight on “undermining”. Do more of those things and drop the kinds of social activities where your friend is more prone to undermine and criticise.If aspects of your life inevitably bring out their jealous or competitive side, it might be best to avoid those topics, if you want to keep the friendship.In that same Get Rich Slowly piece, one reader offers an interesting suggestion for avoiding underminers:There’s a technique, I think in judo…where you use your opponent’s energy against them — e.g., when they lunge at you, you don’t try to block them but instead sidestep and then pull them in the direction they’re already going so they can’t do anything to you until they recover. Why not be an adult and tell the person how you feel? It’s usually directed at multiple people. Either way, it can help to avoid any topics that bring it out in them. In addition, it backs you up with a paper trail if the situation escalates, and can provide your boss with a heads-up that something might be amiss.Unfortunately, such tactics may not be enough to dissuade your nemesis. Enter your email below. He's a member of the Project Management Institute. Or maybe you’re making more frugal choices to get your finances in order.

A very sick way. Ask if she is willing to talk about it.

Her behavior is not acceptable in the business world. You may even be getting signals from the boss that you’re not performing as expected when, from all you can see, you’re doing just fine.When you face this kind of dilemma, you have no choice but to act. It is not readily apparent like bullying or harassment. It should be viewed as a waste of time and resources and dealt with accordingly.I have a coworker who just recently (without being advised by supervisor) change my pay from salary to hourly. Copyright ©1990 - 2020 Dice . Keep in mind that the purpose of these conversations is information gathering, not gossiping and not bashing the undermining coworker. When a bit of honesty and communication don’t work, here are some other options.Consider keeping your progress, milestones or successes to yourself if your friend only makes you feel bad about them. Many times, underminers will attack your weakest spots, and that can be a good thing, because it can make you aware weaknesses you didn’t know you had. I’d occasionally tease her about the relationship, and I didn’t really think about it. One way to do so is with regular meetings if your boss is willing to do that. Your friend, coworker, or boss might not even be aware they’re undermining you to begin with. For example, if a coworker leaves you out of a meeting, ask him why. Many times, the undermining is senseless. Fortunately, that doesn’t mean you’ll need to resort to angry, face-to-face confrontations.Early on, you might be able to address the situation with a simple conversation.

In high school, a close friend of mine started dating someone and spending most of her time with him. Or, they might turn it around and ask why you’re being confrontational. These resources are not intended as a definitive statement on the subject addressed. Do your best at your current job, search for a new role, and leave as soon as you find the right opportunity.You may wonder why an organization wouldn’t address undermining if you present them with facts, but some workplaces are toxic or just aren’t a good fit for you. People undermine you when you’re in charge or have more social power but they feel close enough to feel that they could be on top. That would be great.” and not bother doing anything to buy a new car.If your underminer is a casual acquaintance or a colleague, it’s easy enough to just stop talking to them. For example, if a coworker leaves you out of a meeting, ask him why. Trying to phrase things a certain way or ‘cc’ key people seems more akin to PC sidestepping. You don't need to say a word. Underminers think of work success as a zero-sum game. Sometimes we assume that our boss knows we want a promotion, but always be direct in telling your boss that you want the position and are ready for it.Throughout all of this, keep things in perspective and be calm, concise, and prepared. Rise above the drama of co-worker sabotage. You perform your job to the best of your abilities, try not to rock the boat and get along well with others. The more champions you have, the less someone can truly sabotage you, no matter how hard he tries.