The stripe is often broken, and there can be black spotting along the back and at the base of the dorsal and caudal fin. Size : Up to 11 inches (28 cm) pH : 6.5 - 7.5. He’s been acting normal, swimming around and sucking to the tank, but I’m worried about him because a fish changing color is a bit of a shock, especially because he was a bright yellow when we got him.
I have had a golden algae eater for about six months now, but within the past week a portion of his side has turned dark brown/black. By entering this site you declare He's actually better looking now.
20gal with 5 danios and a Cory cat, about 50% water change every 2 weeks and normal parameters. Fishfur . Hi. And yep, that would be a Chinese algae eater I believe. Why is that?
you read and agreed to the Three more of the same species would be good. We've had Algae for at least 3 years. Started by Retired Viking Split off old thread: Golden Algae Eater Turning Black? Not sure what this is pertaining to but my Dalmatian molly has turned all black. You don’t want those in your tank, they turn from algae to protein eaters, and they will suck the slime coat off slower fish. The black discoloring is probably the natural colour change.
Changing my 55 gallon tank from gravel to sand, any help would be appreciated. An adult male will grow horns or tubercles on his face and the female will be much more full and thick, rounded and bigger. Hedgewitch. Thanks for the fast response!Sorry for not originally attaching it, he was hiding when I asked the original question. Also water changes need to be EVERY WEEK. 1 year ago. Temperature : 75°F - 80°F (24°C - 27°C) Water Hardness : 8° to 12° dH . Lifespan : 5 - 10 years. Also he has now started to dig in the rocks at the bottom of the tank.
you read and agreed to the My goldfish, two Black Moor, two orange and white fantail fish, four Golden algae eaters. I have had a golden algae eater for about six months now, but within the past week a portion of his side has turned dark brown/black. Is this normal or is something wrong?You might have overstocked it and now an abundance of ammonia causing burning.Check water parameters.
Golden algae eater turning black. By entering this site you declare Golden Algae Eaters come in a wide variety of colors, from being golden yellow, and some of them have a notable black stripe from the tip of its "nose" to its tail. I've had black goldfish that turn gold again. reply #3. Update: There are only the four goldfish in the tank. They are not in the pleco genus or family.
They don't breed well in basic aquariums. I do not know his gender, but just like to him a boy. Hi, that’s a Chinese algae eater. algae goldfish. 80% stocking and over 100% filtration is a good thing to aim for, more room for mistakes and whatnot. I’ve had my golden algae eater for about a 2 months now and I’ve noticed recently that he’s started to get this black discoloration on his body.
The temp is 76, pH is 6.5, and ammonia and nitrite are 0. Any help is appreciated. trending.
The only new change to the tank has been the addition of an angel fish and two gourami's. Any way you could return it? I also cleaned the tank last week, so it seems strange to me that there would be an ammonia build up. Care Level : Easy to Medium. The only new change to the tank has been the addition of an angel fish and two gourami's. I can’t say how much I stress that.Also Cory cats are social and must be in a group of at least 4.Ours has been solo for about 3 years now and is doing fine.It might look fine but trust us, schooling fish do not like being solo. answer #2. Here is a blog about them.