Yeah I know ! However you can also access it from the command line, meaning you can use it with any tool in the Cucumber family, such as Cucumber, Cucumber … Selenium Framework 2010-2021 Also this will reduce the complication in terms of missing requirement or misrepresenting or misunderstanding requirements between different roles  like Developer , tester, and  end user,Write test runner code and execute the same . It’s same as the previous example, only difference being that we have replaced integer values with double values.

Each scenario carries a The code is pretty simple to understand in most cases as it is Ruby and readable right?Create a workbook, worksheet and add a cell and write the file to filesystem.The delete operation applies to a cell, row and a column and ultimately we can delete the workbook from the file system (though deleting a file from file system is not related to Excel)The Read operation is the MOST IMPORTANT operation on an excel sheet as most of the times our test data is NOT necessarily generated as part of test script, but test script consumes the test data (either from multiple systems) or data that is manually entered OR data collected over years in a maintenance project. Some of us might ask why do we want to do this when we can already do with scenario outline in cucumber. The Scenario Outline steps So above example consist of 2 scenarios and each step will be executed twice for different set of example data. While working on automation, we may face variety of scenarios. step definitions. Scenario outline basically replaces variable/keywords with the value from the table. What actually happens We will take an example of a Data-driven scenario where our data resides in Excel workbook.Add the below GAV to the pom.xml file [It is already present in Class8 if you downloaded the entire projectIt is extremely difficult to explain every line of code, however I will try my best to explain the important bits. Each scenario carries a different meaning and needs. TestRunner is a program used in Cucumber to access Feature file as copied in the picture below.Feature file is something that has user requirement scenarios  written in English which gives more readability and understandability of the requirement which is called Gherkin language.So any roles in the company  like Tester, developer, end user, and techno functional person can read it and understand it. A friend of mine says “What can you NOT do with excel?”.

Cucumber came with a solution for reducing this effort by using the concept of Scenario Outline coupled with Examples.In the below section, we will try to take up an example and see how can we minimize this effort. The reason again is because we might have Also this will reduce the complication in terms of missing requirement or misrepresenting or misunderstanding requirements between different roles like Developer , tester ,  end user etc.Gherkin is a business readable language, refer below for an example. Copyrights reserved "Printing Excel Workbook data from Sheet1 after adding data.......""^I convert the sheet data into hash with keys as column headers$"i_convert_the_sheet_data_into_hash_with_keys_as_column_headers"" What I expect to happen: tokens in the DataTable are replaced by the values found in the Example table. Now with being able to read Excel data and integrating that with Web UI Automation scenarios, we have already created a conduit through which we can pass test data.The below cucumber scenario explains each of the operations in a much English readable format and this might help you connect the dots.Since the first 3 scenarios are purely excel related, we do not want the browser to pop up , hence I tagged only the last one scenario with @web, so that Before() and After() blocks work only with @web i.e. Video Tutorial: Cucumber Scenario The Cucumber scenario is given below. Excel spreadsheet format has been the most popular data format and Microsoft has definitely created so many jobs and livelihood with just Excel (as part of its Office Suite). A Scenario Outline is run once for each row in the Examples section beneath it. But all said, excel still exists in billions of projects and environments and more because “Data” has been collected in excel over years.