Some of these animals fights to the death in the wild. Free download: – “Do Not Go Gentle” by Josh Woodward. Sad for the Lion vs the Buffalo. Free download: Lion and the buffalo Tore each other to shreds, and they lived happily ever after!THE END! Buffalo's are a lot stronger than they look on the nature discovery channels, most of the hunters hunt in packs but when they fight on their own it is dramatically different.Nature.. i saw the same thing online with a pack of wolves that were chasing a herd of buffalo's. How does the cobra not kill it?Nature is so beautiful and yet so brutal.

what is this? Due to the extremely graphic nature of materials found on Live Gore, access is …

With animal fights, nature reveals how cruel it can just be. She sound so happy about all of this.I would not describe this video as "fun" per the Cornell University email.The narrator's voice seems so inappropriate – she is NOT reading a bed time story!I saw this because and email i got form Cornell university…. What's the god damn new thing? LiveGore is a reality news website which reports on real life events which are of the interest to the public. Music – “The Pawnbroker’s Stepdaughter” by Josh Woodward. To be cast out by his pride and having to hunt alone.

Why you sent this to me?It's crazy to watch the hunter become hunted. Buffalo kills Lion Unbelievable - Animal Fight to Death Video LOL!I felt bad for the buffalo it was getting stretched apartMongoose EATS the snake. Same goes with EagleI thought the crocodile would win but what I was wrong ._.Why is the soundtrack from "the notebook" going this whole video?Awful fucking narration. From 9 lions vs a baby elephant, a mongoose vs a cobra and a crocodile vs a python, we bring you the top 10 most epic animal fights ever caught on tape. Music – “The Pawnbroker’s Stepdaughter” by Josh Woodward. One of the wolves split from the rest of the group to chase the buffalo on it's own and ended up having to fight the buffalo – both of them battled for hours and both died.The Mongoose must be the bravest little animal in the world.