Nuthatch is also a bird of ingenuity. She guides you into focus and clarity. Be ready for a greater intensity to life for Hawk will guide you in the mind, body and spiritual aspects of your journey.Determination, balance, follow your own path, aids in seeing boundaries and security in exploring the mind and emotions. Scrub Jay teaches lessons of adaptation to situations and learning quickly with a high intelligence. She reiterates heightened psychic awareness and sensitivity to the worlds around you. He is about following your soul purpose and recognizing innate abilities. It is time to soar above your perceived limitations. What is a Killdeer? He is a sign showing how to ride the winds of change, creativity and the power to surrender oneself to Spirit's guidance. American Indian  Totem Animal for "Aries"Curiosity, Ability to change directions quickly, Inter-species communication, Connection to water spirits. Sparrow aids in survival instincts by sharpening intuition to make proper choices. Beauty of voice, use of song in healing and enlightening, finding your souls song, ability to find joy in song during times in darkness, the importance of fresh air. He will show the power of intelligence and fortitude balanced with discreet silence and utmost patience in timing.

Watch carefully what is going around you. Emotions may need to surface or remain hidden in order to heal.

Watch for and keep aware of new opportunities. He will teach fearlessness and strength.

How are you using your "dagger-like bill"? Such an enjoyable sight to see!Killdeer can generally be seen anywhere that there is gravel, dirt, golf courses, parking lots, and fields. One who gets along with those who are different and takes advantage of the opportunities these encounters provide. Is it time to be forthright to finally "crack" the issue open? A bird of the night with its evening song, it's nocturnal behavior colors the stories of many lovers' tales. Is it time to take chances? It is time to adjust your cycle to correspond to the lunar one. He can see through mysteries meaning that any person with a condor totem or spirit animal will see very deeply, experiencing life's mysteries and learning from them.

Crow can give strength and show you how to maneuver in intuitions and insights.Cuckoo shows the time is for new beginnings. Ptarmigan has high insulating properties as well as teaching how to lightly tread on others emotions. Cuckoo also shows how to walk carefully by feeling vibrations. He shows how to balance masculine and feminine energies whether it be personal or with others around you. She will show how to maximize results with little or no effort. Let Canary guide you into a more joy filled period in life.

Although the poor little thing does not have wings capable of flight it seems to often forget this and will try to soar from the trees only to come crashing down like a brick. What is a Killdeer? The color red represents the blood or life force of the Mystic Christ. Nuthatch can demonstrate rebuilding or refurbishing your own dwelling to suit you better. Above all learn to listen to your heart and hear your intuition in discerning your unique relationship with an animal totem. Are you listening carefully to others and your surroundings. He gives access to memories long forgotten and shows how to assimilate them into awareness. One or both wings drag pitifully on … Shy and retreating or outgoing and friendly, what trait do you need to exercise?

Are you listening to discernment in communications?

Ecstatic, love, happiness, beat of life, miracle of joy of living, shows endurance so you don't burn yourself out, teaches ability to heal, enhances awareness with an ability to move and act accordingly. Endurance, endurance, endurance is what Bobolink teaches. One who gets along with those who are different and takes advantage of the opportunities these encounters provide. All the information contained herein is written by me upon contemplating the animal. She shows a quickness of movements including making decisions, swift increases of spiritual awareness, and keeping time, slow or fast, with your internal beat of doing things.

Blue Jay is highly adaptive and will teach knowledge of survival in this world and in others. Today's Animal Totem - Killdeer: A precocious little bird who runs into new experiences with its eyes wide open. Birds represent having the wings of possibilities, freedom of flight, precision and timing, perspective, vision and individuality. She demonstrates touching Mother Earth for balance. Osprey teaches strength and finesse.