Is boring as f*** too play and literally can't do anything for 20 minutes but hide and farm. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up.
Not in a 1v1 necessarily (although she probably does win the 1v1 at some point with phase rush) but in a teamfight, it's absolutely Kayle's game.Kayle should not be the one who matches Nasus in the split push. Misguided, evil squirrel lovers provide these demons with everything they need to survive and thrive -- food (bird feeders), water (birdbaths), and shelter (attics). 10 Questions - Developed by: Megan Nkamwa - Updated on: 2020-05-28 - Developed on: 2014-08-03 - 90.663 taken - 46 people like it Stupid is a really harsh word, and the truth is, everyone is smart or stupid in one way or another. also vayne tumbled into kayles r.this would make any any hypercarry look op if they some how got that ahead.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castThis is a subreddit devoted to the game League of Legends.Press J to jump to the feed.
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A Kaylee is a sassy, classy, beautiful, intelligent female. I've tried to be open, I've tried to enjoy our level 6 version but I just can't. kayle is such a dumb champ you can literally just go any build and still carry.
You will need to bully her into submission to gain the advantage and win your lane quickly.New Kayle is a punching bag until deep into the game, at the point that it'll already be over.hmm a kayle who is super weak early is like 3 levels over everyone. If both players are playing well then you will never kill each other but the higher mechanical burden is on kayle.kayle doesnt beat nasus at any point in the game except maybe lvl 1. -» Why am I so stupid?
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Or go glacial with BOTRK or Gunblade then either slow him or steal his ms and press alt + W when he goes inPress J to jump to the feed.
Loses lane, hides under tower, vs every single other champion in the game.
Kaylee is a gorgeous, unique, and sophisticated name! This takes a bit of coordination though on the part of your team which is why champs like Tryndamere are so potent at low;dr you counter Nasus's split with universal macro, superior wave clear, and a team comp that favours flexibility in matching his split.Yeah my thoughts exactly. Just a rant, so excuse my naiveness. I think that would solve her issues.Wishing things were different is a great way to torture yourself.I wish to be Kalista's soulbound, I'd be her supp and I'd KS, so she would shove her dirty, sweaty feet on my face, forcing me to inhale, lick and worship herWishing things were different is a great way to torture yourself.Some things are beautiful because they cannot be obtained. and the problem becomes more apparent with Nasus.If you are far enough from a tower, Nasus just runs you down with multiple withers.just cs during laning phase and let him push towards you, stop taking that phase rush shit and take pta, go nashors>qss>rageblade and he doesnt beat u so long as you don't die to him or any ganks like a dummyproper wave manipulation will let you always have the lane towards you which means he will never kill you, after 4k gold worth of csing you beat him ezpzthis matchup is one of the easiest in the game jesus stop going gunblade phase rush kayle and thinking you're gonna win, you cannot cleanse works but then you'll be kayle with cleanse/flash, good luck if nasus decides not to fight you and use splitpush advantageWhat do you mean you can’t punish him you just Q E AA then zoom away with phase rush. And the moment you leave to help your team. Vocals/Video: K.Eliasz© Production: Equator© This is an original song called 'Dumb'...It is one of my more 'dance'-type, fun, kind of songs. You wont lack damage since you will go pta.
He’ll just free farm and heal whatever you do to him even with executioners. but with Kayle taking the top position, your already preventing your team from having a potential bruiser like Darius or Garen. Is boring as f*** too play and literally can't do anything for 20 minutes but hide and farm. 100% Upvoted. hmm a kayle who is super weak early is like 3 levels over everyone. Kaylees are all that other woman hope to be. So laughably f***ing terrible. share. I think Kaeliegh is also a beautiful and unique spelling too, as an anonymous user said. Playing nasus against Kayle is so freelo cuz all he does is split and free farm. Am I Stupid? Whenever I play against nasus, I feel like the win condition of the game is that your team has to be capable of breaking even or winning 4v4’s without you or having enough peel to deal with him later, cuz you’ll be occupied with reacting to Nasus’s split 24’7 the entire time. Game is decided 9/10 times by the time she becomes a champion Playing nasus against Kayle is so freelo cuz all he does is split and free farm. 0.
You’re success against a nasus matchup is dependent on how well your team is which is just the flip of the coin.I know its mostly venting like you said but I'll try to respond seriously.Kayle massively outscales Nasus. I thought about this joke,and it was so funny! 1 year ago. All phase rush does is provide a safe laning against him if he runs you down, while he just free farms and scales.Playing nasus against Kayle is so freelo cuz all he does is split and free farm. share.