Gary Clarke. "Shore also put in TV guest appearances on "The Jack Benny Program," "The Bob Hope Show," "Playhouse 90," "Maverick," "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis," and was in multiple episodes of "The Donna Reed Show," "Father Knows Best," "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" and "The Bob Cummings Show," among others.These days, Shore spends a lot of time at Western film festivals around the country, participating in roundtable interviews with surviving cast members of "The Virginian," and meeting and signing autographs for fans. And Tex was there with his band and I got up and sang with him and it was "Smoke That Cigarette"!If that seems ironic for a nice Mormon teen, it should be noted that the novelty song actually carries an anti-smoking message, albeit in a sly, satiric way.Still, if that's not rebellious enough, Shore also spent a month in London for a small bit in the notorious 1962 Stanley Kubrick film "Lolita." Sign up for the "But that energetic, upbeat, bubbly effervescence was no act. Timeless In 1965, when she was 21, Roberta Shore was already a showbiz veteran with acting and singing careers in high gear. He did not wear a mask or carry silver bullets. Roberta Shore was a teen actress/singer in the 1950s and '60s who appeared in Disney shows as well as TV sitcoms. "When Disney shows were being filmed, the mothers would sit together to watch the day's shooting. And now she's doing publicity for the show's first DVD release.Recently she has also been involved with judging the music category of the Deseret News' Sterling Scholars program. Gary Clarke enjoyed a two-track career from the late '50s until the late '60s, in movies and on television.

"That includes 15 episodes of Funicello's miniseries, titled simply "Annette," which aired in 1958 on "The Mickey Mouse Club."

"I can't imagine living anywhere else. "Shore grew up in Southern California, but after leaving the show she moved to Utah, where she's been ever since. A crackerjack yodeler in her youth, she recorded a yodel that is still used on the popular Disney theme-park ride.But if you really want to turn back the clock, go online and look up Shore on YouTube, where she can be found at age 15, singing in clips from old TV shows. "I'm only five-three-and-a-half but I was too tall.
On the phone now, she's every bit as cheerful and chipper as she was all those years ago — and she doesn't hesitate to throw out that she just turned 67!That's enough to make a baby boomer feel old … until the lilt in her voice makes you realize that if you really are as young as you feel, Roberta Shore obviously feels quite young.With Disney, Shore initially auditioned for "The Mickey Mouse Club" but lost out because she towered over the other kids. "Music was my first love. And, of course, that film is nothing compared to what's done today. "And they'd get mad if somebody else's kid got a close-up. And I was in 'A Summer Place,' which people still remember. Gary Clarke Joins Caribou Moving Pictures for Two Films. "After I moved here, they called me out of the blue from BYU Studios and asked me to do it. There was no reason to believe she wouldn't have a bright future in Hollywood as an adult.But after three seasons of co-starring on "The Virginian" — one of television's highest-rated Westerns — she quit, breaking a seven-year contract.Invoking a time-honored cliché, Hollywood movers and shakers warned Shore that if she walked off the show, she would never work in their town again. Chris Hicks: Say goodbye to Hollywood: Roberta Shore gave up fame for family We should all look that good when we are his age. They all did a marvelous job in what they were assigned to do.