:)I have a amazing boyfriend named Duane, we met just out of the blue, and we have broken up before, and we are together now again. I love him with all my heart and I really like this poem because in many ways it just describes my relationship with my boyfriend, I really never thought we'd last as long as we have but I'm so glad we have.

Never walk away from someone you love or something you want in your life and you will know because it comes from within your heart. My boyfriend and I have been going out for 5 years. To think that all of our decisions led us to that moment, to that space, to our future — to each other. Even in class we talked a lot, even when the teacher was right in front of class. He's my rock, world, etc. a guest 1. I love him to death I really do he makes me really happy and I will always think of himMy boyfriend treats me with so much respect and after reading this poem it has reminded me of us.

55 min ago If it never had love for you, it will never come back.Me and my boyfriend have been together over a year now and it really does seem like I've known him forever!

We fell in love the moment we met. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if someone dislikes you or if someone doesn’t want to be with you. To have felt that love for another is what is really precious and special regardless of the outcome.

I had so much fun watching buzzfeed unsolved and sharing music with you and I thought it was crazy that it was already 1 am because it only felt like 10 mins with you 3. Take your kids somewhere better and start another chapter.It's so cute! He treats me like he knows everything and he knows when I'm sad. I could never ask for a better person to share my life with.Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 3 years now and I really fell like I've known him forever. I think I'm in love, but it's long distance. everytime that I am with him he makes me feel like this poem did. I promise that Ill love you forever From that day on I was infatuated...and bugged him so much until I made sure I was the only girl he was associated with and was going to date. I struck up a conversation because I wanted to get to know you and the only thing I thought I could offer was talking to you.

I love it sooooo much. Before we started dating I had lived next door to him for about 8-years until finally this last year I took notice of the short scrawny boy who had grown a good 6-inches and gained quite a bit of muscle over the summer. It’s been four, almost five, months, but it feels like I have known him all my life.I have a friend who I'm losing touch with now, she's on a bad streak and we fight a lot, but I just imagined her while reading this and this seems like something she would've told me when she wasn't mad at me. He is my everything.My story is the same here.

this poem really made me think that when you have someone that you really do care for and like that you have to hold on to them and to not let them go.

!This so reminds me of my boyfriend especially the part about being more then friends, Over the past three years my now so perfect boyfriend was my best friend, he has helped me through a lot and even though I really liked him I could never imagine he would be with someone like me, even when he asked me one day would I want to be with him I was sure it was a joke but after a while of astonishment I said yes, of course!This poem is perfectly for me and my special friend. Our only choice was to move to Vancouver.I only met my boyfriend just last year and it feels like I knew him forever. I can’t think of why our relationship would end but the thought of it scares me.