All that now eludes us will one day be well within our grasp, but, as I say, we must work and we must do all we can for those who are trying to find the truth. The king has declared that everything is a crime. Monologues adapted from "Holka Polka" ISBN-13: 978-1502445490: "The Big Bad Wolf" - Comedy monologue from the play "Holka Polka" - Male or Female (1 minute) "Good Deeds and Such" - Comedy monologue from the play "Holka Polka" - Female (1-2 minutes) What it was always waiting to be.”“I’m just living in Berkeley. There is something so indescribably sweet and satisfying, to a man, in the knowledge that he has forgiven his wife–forgiven her freely, and with all his heart. I take the blankets off my bed for him, and he takes and puts his dirty filthy hands on her like a goddam thief!” And–and I’ll say, all right son–it’s your seventeenth birthday, what is it you’ve decided?…just tell me where you want to go to school and you’ll go. I’ll tell Pa about it tonight.”“Why do you got to get killed? Emily, if I go away to State Agricultural College next year, will you write me a letter? You ain’t so little as mice. I’ll tell George I found it dead.

Their eyes had failed them or they had failed their eyes, and so they were having their fingers pressed forcibly down on the fiery Braille alphabet of a dissolving economy. They talk of nothing but weighty issues and they discuss abstract problems, while all the time everyone knows the workers are abominably fed and sleep without proper bedding, thirty or forty to a room–with bed-bugs everywhere, to say nothing of the stench, the damp, the moral degradation. What light through yonder window breaks?Kailey received her B.A. I ran down to the mill dam and threw myself in with my clothes on—and was pulled out and got a thrashing. I’m glad you spoke to me like you did. What I wanted—I don’t know. In our hearts – WE ARE THE REPUBLIC!”“You wouldn’t understand yet, son, but your daddy’s gonna make a transaction…a business transaction that’s going to change our lives…That’s how come one day when you ‘bout seventeen years old I’ll come home and I’ll be pretty tired, you know what I mean, after a day of conferences and secretaries getting things wrong the way they do…’cause an executive’s life is hell, man–And I’ll pull the car up on the driveway…just a plain black Chrysler, I think, with white walls–no–black tires. 1) Bob Johnson laments the fact that he hasn't received a letter from his girlfriend in 7 months And like you say, being gone all that time – in other places, and meeting other people. . Pick a monologue that is age-appropriate. They call themselves an intelligensia, but they speak to their servants as inferiors and treat the peasants like animals. And clearly all our fine talk is just meant to pull wool over our own eyes and other people’s too. Have you ever noticed how smooth and glossy oats are? Can you suppose I should ever think of such a thing as repudiating you, or even reproaching you? Being a memory play, it is dimly lighted, it is sentimental, it is not realistic. Our government has no mercy, no pity, no forgiveness. Y’ know, Emily, whenever I meet a farmer I ask him if he thinks it’s important to go to Agricultural School to be a good farmer.
. Where is the republic our fathers died for? Science is something they just talk about and they know precious little about art. I didn’t know you’d get killed so easy. Then I happened to remember that elderberry blossoms are poisonous. Two weeks ago, the police destroyed the Galaty, the worker’s newspaper. He gives you illusion that has the appearance of truth. In Spain there was revolution. But since I have a poet’s weakness for symbols, I am using this character also as a symbol; he is the long-delayed but always expected something that we live for. (picks up pup and hurls it from him, turns his back on it. Having grown somewhat weary of family life, I’ve been meaning to stop by and pay my respects but have not been entirely certain how you felt about me after the incident with your mother which was certainly a serious mistake on my part but not serious enough I hope to permanently alter your feelings about me.

. You wasn’t big enough. In this scene he has just stabbed a French soldier who jumped the trench where he was hiding.