After reading examples of haiku and learning about this short form of Japanese poetry, students write and illustrate their own haiku poems.In this lesson, students create vocabulary trading cards that use images to help other students master the meaning of new words.In this lesson, students create an alphabet book to share knowledge and information they have learned, organizing their writing using the ABC’s.Students introduce a new hero to the world through an ID card and comic.Students will create their own multiplication word problems.Students write and illustrate a spring-inspired short story including fractions they find in nature or their local community.Students will explore length, width, perimeter, and surface area as they design their dream room.Students apply what they have learned about animal characteristics and adaptation to create a new creature and introduce it to the scientific community.Students research the characteristics, adaptations, and habitat of an animal and share their findings in a question and answer session with the animal.Students explore the life cycle of a butterfly as they write and illustrate stories that show the stages of a butterfly’s metamorphosis.In this lesson, students write and design a diary for an animal to teach others about its unique physical characteristics and adaptations.Students will research an animal and create a riddle to showcase their knowledge and engage other students in the natural world.In this lesson, students create a 6-sided snowflake and write diary entries about its life.In this lesson, students explore the plant and animal species where they live and design their own field guide to teach others about the species in this habitat.Students develop a clear understanding of rainforest regions globally through research and the creation of postcards.In this lesson, students design a snow globe highlighting a specific habitat, showing the plants, animals, and organisms found there.Students design and create upcycled products using materials collected at home and school.In this lesson, students share their knowledge about a time and place in history by creating a promotional travel brochure that provides information and an itinerary for a visit.In this lesson, students create an online museum for their community.Students will demonstrate map making skills as they create maps of the geographic features, regions, and economy of their state.In this lesson, students nominate literary characters for each seat in the President's cabinet.In this lesson, students explore the work of Andy Warhol and create their own pop art montage.In this lesson, students use symmetry to create bizarre creatures around a self-portrait and then write a poem about the image.Students build media literacy skills as they create a visual essay to share information about themselves.Create custom graphic organizers for your classroom.A curated, copyright-friendly image library that is safe and free for education.© 2020 Tech4Learning, Inc | All Rights Reserved | Help your class grasp the concept of "main idea" with this fun, hands-on lesson. Through creative and engaging activities, your students will explore and learn about landforms. I love first grade writing and this little cutie loves ... the content, topics or posts made in this blog. Use this lesson to teach your students how to use the correct past tense form of regular and irregular verbs.In this lesson your students will find and examine the morals in the classic folktales of "Stone Soup" and "The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Have your students try on their owl ears! lesson should precede a lesson on 9-1-1, so the children are aware of where the services they will need will be coming from.