In many cases this may involve using an action or bonus action to use a spell or ability or sacrifice stats, AC, or HP in order to do so. I decided since solo CR3 creatures were being slaughtered I'd add another Displacer beast and thus they'd have to fight two of them. It looks like a panther with some extra limbs and two tentacles sticking out of its back. Couple this with the fact that your That’s a large amount of movement, in fact, if we assume the average PC has 30 ft. of movement, the displacer beast has 1.5x more movement due to the extra movement that the 10 ft. of reach gives it. Even though they have a lot more movement than the average PC, if they have to spend all 40 or close to 40 ft. to reach the target they leave themselves wide-open to retaliation from the target.After 1 or 2 rounds the party is absolutely going to catch on to what the displacer beast can and can’t do. They can adapt to their surroundings at a split second and make for terrifying hunters.As always feel free to suggest your own Monster Monday creature by contacting me via Some links to stores and online shopping websites include an affiliate code. Its 18 in Strength gives it both some solid extra damage as well as a benefit to breaking out of grapples.There isn’t a lot to write home about in this section, but considering the fact that the displacer beast has some solid stats and AC you wouldn’t expect a lot of resistances and immunities. In the example to the left, a Displacer Beast can move from it's starting position to make a reach attack on the PC and leave without taking an Opportunity Attack. I was trying to gauge the upper bounds of what the party could handle.
Did the party have any saving throw cantrips or anyone who can spam magic missile? Our other CR 3 creature that we’ve looked at so far, Dealing two different types of damage can also be a huge benefit depending on the resistances of the enemy. They’re also a prime example for a creature that works well in all tiers of play. PC wants a Displacer beast. Secluded targets are a displacer beast’s playground.The displacer beast will almost always have a buffer between themselves and their target. In general, it has very solid saving throw stats so it has a great chance of passing any of those damage dealing saving throws.When looking at survivability in D&D 5e avoiding damage will always be better than healing damage that has been taken. It has a good-sized health pool with a serviceable AC of 13. It also has pluses in the three major saving throw ability scores which is another benefit. The first time I threw them at players, they found out that the displacement stopped when they did damage, so they had a mage spam magic missile (it still used up a form and a half for the moon druid before they took it down). People hold action until the mage hits with an auto-hit spell or the player with the best chance to hit attacks. They’ll have to act on the defensive and be sure to not split too far apart from each other. If you or creatures that are friendly to you are fighting it, it has advantage on the saving throw. No, just, this is a really overpowered ability that should never be given. Its two traits AoE damage is essentially automatically halved and there is a good chance that the displacer beast is able to avoid it entirely thanks to its high Dexterity and Constitution. Besides, to me the arms of Displacer Beasts look more DEX-ish than STR-ish. 5th Edition. If a different target shows itself to be a higher-valued target the creature may make a decision mid-fight.The party is going to have to focus on stopping your displacer beast(s) from dismantling their target.
While 13 AC is pretty decent for a CR 3 creature and 85 HP is an above-average amount of HP the displacer beast is not reliant on these stats at all for its survivability. Displacer beasts will generally only ally with another creature if there’s a benefit for the displacer beast. You can’t run away easily and you have made it easy for your enemies to potentially incapacitate you and then pile onto the displacer beast.When you use a displacer beast you are in it for the long-haul. It doesn’t have spells or other actions that it can use to force the party to switch up their tactics mid fight.Displacer beasts are hunters and even as bodyguards or guards, they’ll have these same instincts. While the beast is charmed, you have a telepathic link with it as long as the two of you are on the same plane of existence 8 months ago. Art by Wizards of the Coast. PC wants a Displacer beast. It’s a big cat that has a knack for both hunting prey and guarding valuables. Apart from that, Displacement is the ability of a CR 3 monster. u/Paratrooper_19D. They’re not slaves and are too cunning and dangerous to be kept unwillingly by most creatures.They will typically either hunt down prey or guard people or things for their masters. It shouldn’t be easy to sneak past, and it isn’t.The displacer beast’s traits are the primary reason this is such a powerful creature that translates well into higher-tier play. These beasts that were kept in captivity outsmarted and outran their captors and once again roamed freely throughout the Feywild for a short time. They then crossed over to the material plane in a desperate move to survive as a species. The darkvision and above-average passive Perception are two bonuses that fit in with the creature thematically. When it looked like a TPK was imminent, I had a high-level monk (who I'd previously established in my notes as dwelling in that area) step in and finish off the remaining displacer beast.Displacer beasts are Monstrosities in 5e, not Beasts!! They make for excellent bodyguards. Grappling and restraining spells also work against them.I had a similar situation in a campaign that I ran a few years back.