I’m so sorry that you breathed in the dust.

Commonly caused by Moving up to the top of the plant, as its name suggests, crown rot will first appear at the crown of Fronds will yellow, appear bleached or burned, display brown lesions, wilt, and eventually turn brown and die. And who can blame you?In warm climates they’re hardy plants that can be grown outdoors, with impressively feathery, shiny dark green foliage that evokes a prehistoric feel straight out of Jurassic Park, the perfect backdrop to the backyard dinosaur display of your dreams.In colder regions, they make an excellent addition But wait a minute. When offsets are present on a sago palm that is dying or will be lost because of a move or other circumstance, remove the young offsets to prevent them from being lost as well. Other symptoms of rot diseases in sago palm include: cankers brown syrupy sap oozing out of the trunk yellowing, deformed or dropping fronds continual wilted look of the plant My eyes! Something’s not quite right here…Whether you just received your delivery of these plants or you inherited a few mature specimens when you moved into your new apartment (like I did when I first moved to Los Angeles), sago palms are easy to care for.Occasional watering and a little fertilizer paired with checking the fronds occasionally for signs of poor health is all that’s usually required to keep your sagos happy and thriving.In case you do run into any issues, we’re here to help!Sagos are generally easy to care for, and you should have no problem maintaining them in good health as long as they are planted in the proper location and tended to appropriately.It would be fantastic if you never face any issues. Several types of rot may affect C. revoluta. I hope that will help!Sago palms and palm trees are different plants, though they are both prone to some similar diseases. Dead fronds can be removed.Furthermore, don’t go crazy with the watering! Since you caught it early, you should be able to control it. Keep in mind that even after they are dead, these pests will often continue to cling to leaves, sometimes making it difficult to determine whether you have a new infestation on your hands.Employing integrative pest management practices in your garden is an excellent way to prevent future problems from arising, track and keep an eye on unwanted visitors, and control their effect on your plants. Thank you!Hi Raven, Congratulations on your new purchase! It is easily identified by its visible pink spore clusters that form on any part of the plant. And they will suck sap from your plants, depriving them of nutrients.Mealybugs are another type of scale insect, with soft bodies rather than hard external armor. Before planting a sago palm, you should check the site’s drainage and amend it if it doesn’t drain properly to prevent many future fungal problems.Adequate air flow is also important in preventing sago palm rots. I hope that you were able to see a doctor.My new cycas leaves always get infected with small unseen bugsHi Poonam, I’m sorry to hear that! New leaves are quite soft when they emerge, but as they expand and age they take on their si… Ganoderma butt rot causes the lower 4 to 5 feet of the trunk to rot. We have been home a week and they turned to leaves but the edges are somewhat curling in.

Let us know in the comments below.Allison M. Sidhu grew up with her hands in the dirt in southeastern Pennsylvania, and she is now based in sunny LA. to your garden. If you must relocate your sago palm, the best time to do it is in winter or early spring, when the plant is dormant.Gardeners in cold climates should really stick with container cultivation for this one, and be sure to bring potted plants inside before the risk of cold damage becomes an issue. Keep an eye on the weather later in the season, and plan to bring your plant indoors immediately if frostI have sago plants and every time when new branches start coming up some green insects damage. It sounds like you had mealybugs – insidious little pests that can be difficult to get rid of. Younger fronds may rot and fall off while mature greenery may remain attached, and you may notice sap oozing from the base of leaves.This disease is caused by the same type of fungus as root rot, and application of a fungicide may save your plants. She is about 4-5 yrs. Does anyone know if the cough will pass or are pests in my lungs now?Hi Cee, I hope that you are feeling better by now! Prune only with sanitized tools, to prevent the spread of infection around your garden.Allow the soil to dry out between waterings, to prevent wet feet. But here are a few potential problems that you may encounter:Insecticides like malathion have also been used with some success.Natural predators like lacewings and ladybugs can help to take care of scale insects as well.The bugs known as scale are flat, oval insects that thrive in warm and dry environments. We’d love to help you to get to the bottom of this! If you look closely at the bottom of the leaves, there will be tiny little armored insects if that is the case. You should saturate the plant until it drips off the fronds. In addition, the palm can suffer from mild to severe wilting. My guess is that they are scale, because if they were mealybugs, your plant would look white. This isn’t a sign of an unhealthy plant, but rather, simply a process that is typical of cycads. She holds a BA in English literature from Swarthmore College as well as an MA in gastronomy from Boston University. That looks like it is the start of an insect infestation – probably scale. What are these tiny white flecks? You can Maintaining good weeding practices around the base of your plants is also a good idea, to keep unwanted insect visitors to a minimum.Sooty mold is a fungus that looks like black soot.

I am in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Inspect the roots or caudex for rot. Other symptoms of rot diseases in sago palm include:You should remove infected foliage and then treat the plant with a fungal spray or systemic fungicide if you suspect sago palm rot.When plants are grown in containers in nurseries, many valuable nutrients can be leach out of the soil from frequent watering.