Chesterton said, “it is the most magnificent poem ever written in English,” to which Tolkien responded by saying Chesterton was not giving the poem the credit it deserves.The poem borrows language from the British hunt called Hare Coursing. He knows where we came from, where we have been, and where we are now. . Christmas Version of Cohen’s Hallelujah?What’s the most amazing proclamation of the gospel in nature? Christians came to dub these mythical creatures as "The Hounds of Hell" or "Dogs of Hell" and theorised they were therefore owned by Satan. God so loved me that he gave his only begotten son.

Social sharing is permitted. As sixteen Carmelites filed up the scaffold singing hymns, the feverish crowd fell silent for no apparent reason. . The mercy of the Father is the theme of perhaps Jesus' most famous story, the parable of the prodigal son. The Hound in the poem is the Lord who continually seeks the writer even though the writer keeps running from Him. The Oxford Book of English Mystical Verse. That, and the sound of the blade lopping off their heads, one by one. calling God his own Father, thereby making himself equal to God. The Spirit teaches us to pray, to know that we can speak to the Father and hear his words in our hearts. Branded enemies of the "progress of public spirit," they were killed as part of the Revolution's systematic effort to efface all trace of the living God from France.Priests and nuns were jailed and killed by the score, churches confiscated, seminaries and religious houses closed.

And though in sin or in human love, away from God it seeks to hide itself, Divine grace follows after, unwearyingly follows ever after, till the soul feels its pressure forcing it to turn to Him alone in that never-ending pursuit.”  ¹Our mission is to glorify God by equipping, encouraging, and empoweringIf our online resources have blessed you, we hope you will support Reasons for Hope* Jesus. His plays were studies in loss: he wrote of a God who failed to deliver, of sin and guilt and the burden of memory, of the search for satisfaction and the terror of death.At first, Day continued along the downward path she and O'Neill had been on. "We see this same faith in the Carmelite nuns of Compiègne, martyred on the guillotine at the height of the French Revolution. This does not mean that we are to remain passive in the face of innocent suffering. Beth Randall’s Illuminating Lives: Expansive Poetry & Music Online: HPL’s Great Poets: Although “The Hound of Heaven” should not be considered a name for God, it is appropriately used as a descriptive title for God. The love in the Trinity is like the love we experience on earth. All that could be heard were the strains of the nuns singing the Salve Regina, a hymn to the Blessed Mother, and the Te Deum, the ancient Catholic hymn to the Trinity. It was a mission of family building, to make all nations children of God our Father through baptism in his name.So what does it mean to have God as our Father? J. F. X. O'CONOR, S.J.

'If a mother shall forget her children, never will I forget thee.' Another poet of the divine, the sixteenth-century Spanish monk St. John of the Cross, saw vestiges of the Trinity everywhere:All this beauty, all this power and glory, is meant to lift us up, to lead us deeper into the weft of the Father. The French poet Charles Péguy, killed in World War I, said that God looks on us with "fatherly eyes." In the end the reader of the poem is less fascinated by the reasons and emotions of the one running away, Long after hours in the back room of a Greenwich Village bar called the Hell Hole, the man who would become America's most celebrated playwright seemed to be straining in a hell all his own. In the face of his imminent torture and death, he spoke of the new life given to him in baptism and nurtured in him by the Eucharist:"There is within me a water that lives and speaks, saying to me inwardly, 'Come to the Father.'

. His whole life was consumed with the problem of evil and Gods permissive will, Dorothy Day said.The words fell out in a dour sigh, all booze and smoke. Yet God in his mercy reaches out to the lost sons and daughters and welcomes them back.Jesus intended each of us to hear this story as our own. He put us here. 1917. That is about as succinct a definition of God as you are going to find.