By default, there are the following predefined color schemes: If you install a plugin with a color scheme, that scheme will be added to the list of predefined schemes. Use the Scheme list to select a color scheme. For more information, see You can customize a predefined color scheme, but it is recommended to create a duplicate for your custom color and font settings: Select a color scheme, click (Optional) To rename your custom scheme, click Predefined color schemes are listed in bold font. Colors and font styles are used to format this text and help you better understand it at a glance. By default, text in the console uses the same font as the color scheme. You can use a predefined color scheme or customize it to your liking. The former relates to the entire IDE, while the latter relates to the editor only. You can use a predefined color scheme or customize it to your liking. You can find the theme of your choice in the OK, you've changed the theme of your PyCharm, but you are still not happy with the appearance of your code in the editor. macOS Light or Windows 10 Light: OS-specific light theme available as a bundled plugin.

The plugin can be uploaded to the When you install a plugin with a color scheme, that scheme will be added to the list of predefined schemes. It is also possible to share schemes. It is also possible to share schemes. The set of available themes depends on your platform. It highlights the syntax in a better way and makes your programming experience as better as you never experienced before. In the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S, select Editor | Color Scheme. For example, you would like another color for the documentation strings. You can also share color schemes with other developers. PyCharm can save your color scheme settings as an XML file with the Specify the name and location of the file and save it. Let's do it.Mind the difference between the theme (look&feel) and the color scheme of the editor. To install PyCharm, follow the instructions, depending on your platform. To restore a predefined color scheme to default settings, click To define color and font settings, expand the By default, the color scheme defines syntax highlighting for reserved words and other symbols in your source code: operators, keywords, suggestions, string literals, and so on. In such cases, use the default global font settings. If you still do not have PyCharm, download it from this page.

Tomorrow theme IntelliJ is the most used and common dark mode theme. You can use This will enable semantic highlighting for all languages that inherit this setting from If you are used to a specific color scheme, you can export it from one installation and import it to another one. This is not recommended if you are planning to share your scheme or use it on other platforms, which may not support the selected font. If you customize a predefined color scheme, it will be displayed in blue. To customize the default font, open the You can set a different font for your current scheme. It is quite possible to have a light theme for the IDE (for example, Default or Alloy), and one of the dark color schemes for the editor (for example, Twilight or Monokai). So doing, all the PyCharm components will be rendered light, and the editor pane will show dark: It offers you a sensible and legible color scheme for your code. If you have a function or method with many parameters and local variables, it may be hard to distinguish them from one another at a glance. High contrast: Theme designed for users with color vision deficiency. These themes include a bright and warm pastel color scheme. As a developer, you work with a lot of text resources: the source code in the editor, search results, debugger information, console input and output, and so on.