And I am more qualified than either Trump or Biden to run this country.JORGENSEN: Most people are realizing that government has gotten too big, and they would like some of that control back. My problem, though, is that the government is the one who decided it and not the individual person. Become educated and keep yourself informed before it’s time to #GUNVOTE.The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry. It’s obvious the NSSF doesn’t care about 2A candidates considering they dont even include all of the candidates on their “gun vote” website. All she can do is take votes away from Trump, and then where will we be? Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Legal & Second Amendment. And all I can say is I am a college senior lecturer.

Voters can end RINO gun control by getting involved, volunteer-donate-organize-SACRIFICE to help loyal Americans defeat RINOs in primaries. All she can do is take votes away from Trump, and then where will we be? We're just headed in that direction, and that's what concerns me.SIMON: Jo Jorgensen, the 2020 Libertarian candidate for president, thanks so much for being with us.JORGENSEN: Well, thank you for having me. Never, ever register your firearms. They lie to get elected then turn into a police state Marxist when in office. From proposed bans on popular modern sporting rifles and ammunition to mandates for federal licensing and registration, these ill-informed proposals would strip away the rights of law-abiding citizens while doing nothing to protect public safety. They just want to push Republican gun control instead of Democrat gun control. Either we will pushback as necessary to have one country or we will pushback and have a peaceful separation with two Americas. It is time you make a choice and take a stand.Even between elections, target shooters, hunters, and gun owners would do well to stay informed about the issues that affect us. We should still stay at home. We believe in individual freedom and that people should be able to go about their lives as they choose. What does this say about her sincerity or seriousness when it comes to the Second Amendment?

July 28, 2020, 12:01am #1. She supported Ed Clark for president in 1980 and has been voting Libertarian ever since.

Jo Jorgensen, a senior lecturer in psychology at Clemson University, had such a wonderful time running as the Libertarian Party's vice presidential candidate … I realize that trump is a verb, an adjective and a noun as well as a proper noun – but still annoys me.If Biden didn’t pay you for that comment, you’re selling yourself short.Russn8r wants Trump. Stag’s a fraud. And it's going to the large corporations and not often to the people who need it. It seems mobs work, maybe #2A defenders need to make our own mobs to stop the back stabbingJo Jorgensen supports the 2A 100% and wants to abolish the ATF.There is no quantitative or qualitative similarity between GOP gun control and Democrat gun control. #GUNVOTE is here to help you to protect America’s firearms freedoms. They lie to get elected then turn into a police state Marxist when in office. GOP Gov Mike Dewine in Ohio is calling a special session in Aug to pass gun control, and Governors in MA, TX, MD and many in the US Senate support more gun control. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 10,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen's organizations, and publishers. I realize that trump is a verb, an adjective and a noun as well as a proper noun – but still annoys me.If Biden didn’t pay you for that comment, you’re selling yourself short.Russn8r wants Trump.

Don’t wait until election time. Russn8r loves gun control.That’s what’s known as a sillygism. She stands no chance, and has no plan to achieve what she claims she … OK, so that just shows that people have enough common sense to stay at home without the government telling them to.SIMON: There are now more than 40 million unemployed people in the United States.

Stag’s working for Biden. Not surprising coming from the people who endorsed Barr for AG.Two sides of the same coin, go ahead and choose sides and flip that coin…….oh sorry, you loose.

Jo Jorgensen, a party activist who teaches psychology at Clemson University, is the 2020 Libertarian candidate for president. Either we will pushback as necessary to have one country or we will pushback and have a peaceful separation with two Americas. Becoming educated about the views, votes, and decisions of officeholders and those positioning themselves to run for office should be an ongoing concern. I like it ... Home - Jo Jorgensen for President. Offer those people an acceptable option and it might well hurt biden. You have opposed, I gather, the stimulus bills that have been passed to provide unemployment benefits and other forms of relief. Either way we win because patriotic Americans know their history and have most of the guns. Hmmm…does she think before opining? Let’s get some real candidates that support the constitution FIRST.Yeah, don’t put your votes on her. He calls himself an anarchist. Offer those people an acceptable option and it might well hurt biden. it is us vs. them.If a politician does not trust you with the arms of your choice, configured any way you see fit, why would you trust him or her with the power of government? What would a Libertarian administration do?JORGENSEN: Well, the Libertarian administration first wouldn't have put everybody under house arrest. I_am_Harry. It states that whenever a government becomes destructive of human rights, “it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it.”As both the Libertarian Party and the Jorgensen campaign have made consistently and abundantly clear, and as the As Dr. Jorgensen explained to the reporter, the Libertarian Party has a membership requirement unlike that of any other U.S. political party. Never, ever register your firearms. — Jo Jorgensen … He has a platform that promises, as I understand it, free ponies and a Waffle House on every corner.JORGENSEN: I believe you are reciting the presidential platform of one of my competitors who lost, and Spike is now on my team.