Even when I show them when they are sitting on other buildings perches slowly(without startling them) they still see me for sometime then run away. Good luck with making friends with your pigeons!

They’re highly ok with my presence and will beg for seed but will not be touched. It is so delightful to feed pigeons and have one come close to you or even land on your hands. I noticed it has a blue band..but have not gotten close enough to read the numbers and letters. Look for birds who are sociable.Putting your hand into the cage or enclosure with your prospective pigeons has to be done to ensure that your pigeons are capable of hand-feeding. I’ll be able to tell you what type of pigeon it is. If you go slow and let your pet get used to you and trust you, he will come out of his cage. If you really can’t stand to see another ad again, then please We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Though pet pigeons will never be able to live a completely cage-free life, you can give indoor pigeons plenty of time out of their cage, and outdoor pigeons will love spending time with you in their spacious aviaries. Taming your pigeon takes time and patience. This article has been viewed 108,015 times. Pigeons like to be able to see their surroundings, and will be happy outside.Make sure that every day you try to hand-feed your birds and gain their respect. She sleeps inside as well. What qualities will make pigeons more prone to taming? why d you think i only get these two, when loads fly into the other rooms? Pigeons will learn to trust you once they realise you are not going to catch them. i don’t mind, as these two are relativly tame, and sit on the end of my bed and eat from my hand.Hi Ed, thanks for contacting. Hand-rearing an animal is usually a sure-fire way to make them tame You can also use food to bait the pigeon into the container. Sorry.well i have caught and raised many pigeons and even taught them to go in their cage when told and my pigeons can do some really amazing things… i just caught seven more pigeons last night adding them to the seven i already have… My first 2 are Prince(male) and Bella(female) 2 red and white pure bread lahore champion show birds and have won lots of ribbons and such my next one is a very special one named Major and he is a male grey smokey colored pigeon white some white at the tip of his primary feathers and he is also a purebred pigeon… My next one is a girl named Lucca and she is a black with grey spots on her wings and she is a rock dove along with Remington my second rock dove that i have out of the 4 i have now and she is a first time mother as of this year and she is grey with white tipped primary feathers with a mohak and some black feathers here and there and her daughter is Smokey my cutest one of all and she is a light smokey grey color and the father of her is Major and the last one that i have is a pure black pigeon names Shadow and he is the wildest yet loving pigeon you could ever have and all of my pigeons are glad they get Ac in the summer and in the winter time the live in my room… and that is the story of my lifeI have a wild pigeon that just waljed into our terrace living room.
I haven’t seen her mate, just the mama, and she laid two eggs. I had previously put out wild bird seed in a seed container, but I’ve found she will only eat it if I put it on the ground for her. They generally don't like being grabbed, held, or petted - that is a "mammal thing" - birds don't do that and they can see it as a predatory action. They are intelligent and entertaining and fairly easy to tame. These birds can be ferals, but there are breeders that will sell birds for research studies.That's nice that labs are giving adoption a chance for these pigeons and other animals. even "wild" pigeons will eventually will become tame or somewhat tame if you feed them. It’s hard to say really – it may be that those two pigeons have decided your room is their territory and that you are a safe person to be around (since you feed them). If you can't pick the pigeon up, try throwing a towel over the bird and then scoop the pigeon in the towel and place it in the box. Now the question is: Can a wild bird be tamed and live in a big cage? The mama here is very protective of her nest and we’ve begun having small pigeon fights, and I have to go break them up (I don’t want anything to happen to the new baby!).

Keep the cage in a bright area but not one with direct sunlight. After squabs learn to fly they leave their nest, will they leave my home when they start to fly? She is still wary of me, and will only eat if I’ve left the balcony, but I still am very much enjoying her presence…I’ve lived here for years and never had a pigeon nest before. D:Please see and type Angel White Dove / Pigeon on Youtube and you will learn the behavior of this bird.

Feral pigeons in cities and towns can also be quite tame when their fear of humans disappears and they become bolder in nature in their search for food. Get a custom drawing of your pet, in wikiHow style!We know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. Recently, however, another pair has found that I put out food for her and has begun trying to eat the food. Most likely they will, but there is a possibility they won't because they might stay with the parents.

You will need to wait until the baby is old enough to be separated from the parental birds and then you can begin the taming process. Coolest thing, she likes to come inside, sit on the radiator in front of the open window and watch TV. Mature domesticated pigeons should eventually learn to trust you a… you can easily get food down the wrong hole while hand feeding them if you haven’t been shown how to feed them the correct way).Once you have a tame pigeon on your hands you might find yourself addicted for life!

so corn, wheat, peas etc. This time though, open the cage and allow your pigeons to explore outside.