Select an appropriate container and provide adequate environmental conditions to successfully grow your lotus plant indoors.Soak a lotus tuber in a plastic container of warm water until it begins producing sprouts. Amid the current public health and economic crises, when the world is shifting dramatically and we are all learning and adapting to changes in daily life, people need wikiHow more than ever. You must fill the container with warm water. I was glad that it was step by step with pictures as Should I keep the seeds in warm water every day, or only the first day? "Your import tips and instructions are very useful for me, especially to scrape top of the seed. "I knew some of the information, but not all and it was especially good to see the video of growing lotus from seed.

Please extend your valuable support. They can easily be damaged.Gradually add soil over the tuber so that there is a depth of 1 inch of soil above the top of the plant.Apply a thin layer of pea gravel on top of the soil and fill the pot with warm water. "Transferring the lotus seed from water in a cup to soil in a pot is the part that I was not sure of. "I've never grown Lotus before so it was very informative, thanks!" Thank you."

I already cultivate lotus in my garden, which are blooming many flowers." The flowering water plant can thrive indoors when grown properly in a container large enough to house its roots and provide the necessary water depth. Cover the clay with half an inch of pea gravel. Please guide me in making an ideal pool for my lotus plants." Using a standard metal file, scrape the hard seed casing to reveal the cream-colored core. "Thank so much for sharing information. I purchased lotus seeds from the Kenillworth Aquatic Park and Garden. Because of this blooming pattern, ancient Egyptians believed the lotus plant gave birth to the sun. Grow A Lotus Plant Inside A Home Considered stately and serene, a floating lotus (Nelumbo spp.) "Now I understand how to take care of my small lotus."

Let me try to grow my lotus "I grew my lotus from seeds 3 years ago. "I'm thinking of planting lotus flower, and this article help me to understand the plant more and what type of re-pot the best tubers in the spring. Had no instructions. Very excited a see how they will grow!" Mix just enough PP into a small amount of water to turn the water dark purple. You will need to repot the lotus every year. "All instructions are very good, will let you know how it goes. Your support helps wikiHow to create more in-depth illustrated articles and videos and to share our trusted brand of instructional content with millions of people all over the world. According to this page, it's not too hard, and there are products out there to help.

"Thanks for the clear instructions. Avoid planters with drain holes as the lotus roots are very robust and may grow through the holes.The lotus is an exotic aquatic plant of which all parts are edible.

This year I had 14 blooms.

"Awesome tips, thanks for quick tutorial on planting lotus. In the US, Miracle-Gro is one of the more well-known brands. Place plant on top of clay. Not sure "Your import tips and instructions are very useful for me, especially to scrape top of the seed. Thanks for the guidance. "I liked seeing multiple methods for growing." The gravel will keep the tuber from floating out of the soil.Place the pot in a sunny window sill where the plant will receive a full day of sunlight. Neat!" "This helped me because I had to write an essay about lotus flowers." Neat!" The seed I bought Thanks, 90% of my seeds have germinated." Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. The air should be above 80 degrees Fahrenheit.Check the water level of the lotus plant every day. is Lotus Flower Seed Water Aquatic Plants Nelumbo. "The directions are clear and easy to understand. Great plant." Next time try soaking all seeds in potassium permanganate for five minutes just before planting. The step by step on how and when to plant is wonderful."

Thanks a lot. if this is the right season (mid July in Maryland), but am trying to sprout two of the five now and the rest next year. " Thanks a lot. "I just visited a garden full of lotus flowers, and thought they were beautiful. tubes in pots. Lower the container 6-12 inches below the surface of the pond. According to this page, it's not too hard, and there are products out there to help. You can also use PP to sterilize the soil, but it should be rinsed before using it. It helped me a lot. And, many other important details to "I learned how to germinate and grow a lotus!" This article has been viewed 532,845 times. You can file the seed tip by a layer with the help of a metal file. Handle them with care, and don't break off the pointed tip (the "eye" of the tuber). Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania. "I got an idea of how large a container we will need to grow a lotus plant! Gently spread out roots and cover with a thin layer of clay. You can simply nick with a knife until you see some white. I purchased lotus seeds from the Kenillworth Aquatic Park and Garden. "Yes, good article. I was wondering how difficult itwikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. If you really can’t stand to see another ad again, then please We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Do not file any of the core away or else your lotus will not grow. "The scoring of the seed and the technique on how to plant the tubers helped. Why? Before planting, add a pinch of copper sulphate in a liter of water and pour it into the bowl.

This article was co-authored by Maggie Moran. I know how to take care of my little lotus now." Very helpful." would be to grow them myself. Your seeds should start to sprout after 4 or 5 days of soaking. This may take up to two weeks.Fill a plastic nondraining planter with 3 inches of clay soil. Methods To Grow Lotus Flower At Home Growing lotus flowers from seed. There are a lot of different brand names for fertilizer. You can grow lotus from seeds or from tubers. It helped me a lot in starting my own lotus pond."