As an action, you can play an enchanting tune on your instrument to provide a series of strikes to your allies. View All Sure-footed was an appeasement feat that I am ashamed of. Dragon of Icespire Peak

As a reaction, whenever a foe fails an attack roll on you with a melee attack within 5 feet and are of the same size or smaller, you may attempt an Acrobatics Check of DC 16 to flip over your attacker and land on the opposite side of them, gaining advantage on your next attack against them. Sources

You gain an extra spell slot whose level is less than or equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. Once sharpened, the weapon will do and additional 1d4+1 damage for 1d4 hits. Mythic Odysseys of Theros

If you forget to pray to your deity, they will refuse to grant this ability to you for 1d4 days.As a bonus action, you can make a Performance Check with a DC of 13+ the Targets Wisdom Modifier, create a small commotion to the target within 30’ to allow an ally engaged in combat with the target to make a free Attack of Opportunity with advantage. 4. If the ranged attack would cause damage to an area, this feat cannot be used to block it.

Twitch Choose the Duelling fighting style for extra damage and carry a longsword and shield. Storm Lord's Wrath Vehicles

For the shadow feats much of my campaign had to do with the shadow plane and they were pretty handy. Per long rest, roll 1d4 and you gain the ability to calm your mind enough to freely Wild Shape into a 1/8 CR or lower beast while out of combat as many times as the 1d4 result per long rest without expending one of your uses of Wild Shape. ©2020 D&D Beyond | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Fandom Games When you make an attack with a dagger, you increase its’ base damage to 2d4 and your Critical Hit range increases to 19-20 while using one.Wielding 2 wands in hand, you barrage your foes with more, though weaker attacks. Monster Manual This can only be done before damage is calculated. Collections Todd Talks

The target of the distraction must be able to see and hear you for this ability to work. The shield lands 5 feet in front of the intended target of the attack in the direction the attack was cast from. Backgrounds But to get a one-point increase in a stat of your choice At first, I skimmed over the feats and picked one because I thought it looked neat.

Hunt for the Thessalhydra

Chris Curran.

You can purchase a physical or digital copy of the War Caster or Resilient (CON) is generally a much better feat for cleric than Tough.That’s right! Improvised Weapons Master lets you hit a creature with just about anything you can grab.

Pick 3 terrains from Arctic, Coast, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Mountains, Swamp, or Underdark to be familiar with. Magic items too can play a part in boosting your abilities, so remember that when planning your character progression.Talk with your DM first about using homebrew feats in your game.

Planning on putting the full version out early on my patreon tomorrow, but for now have a taste of what I’ve been working on: Aka sorry Beastmaster, and our druid has a half sibling somewhere out there. As a Reaction to dissuade it from attacking you. At 4th level take the As a Shadow Magic Sorcerer, you assist your party and also harm and debuff your opponents from a distance. Player's Handbook

High quality Homebrew content for your 5e D&D. After you are done directing everyone, every ally who partakes in the surprise round has an increased critical hit range of 19-20.Through your knowledge gained from tinkering with your spells, you have learned how to best defend against them.
Choose a Dragonborn to gain a breath weapon which is useful at close range.

Order History When you are targeted by a spell attack that you also have the knowledge to cast, you gain a +2 to AC against it or gain advantage on a saving throw if it uses that instead.With greater ease you access the magical energy of the world to transform more often.