That may be the key to this. My mom has been a bit stressed lately and has suffered with depression so that’s probably why I cried when I got near my cat. I started thinking it was the spirit of my cousins tabby cat who died some 15 years ago and who my family and I took care of for about a year, but I do not understand why it would be her (since she was not our cat), and since nothing like this has ever happened. Cats are full of positive spiritual energy, despite all misunderstandings.Every time this lovely and beautiful creature starts cuddling around your feet, it passes on you its amazing astral powers. Oh and it was a pure,black cat and it was really big. My sister has seen it once as we were studying with our backs to each other at different tables and it ran behind us. Down in the wolf heads so they would die. It seems frequently in my dreams I’m running on all fours or flying like a bird…Guess some part of me really wants to be an AnimalWhy do I see a cat’s face in crystals? I wanted to reply to your comment because my experience mirrors yours, only this happened to me this last Friday. Was it evaluating or watching over me/her/both of us? The biggest thing to remember is that separation is an illusion, we are always together in spirit and the love can never be broken. It should be noted that only two other states have official state cats.California residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data.Reporting on what you care about. A lot of bright silver may mean the money or a spiritual awakening.Thank you for the info! Maybe it is the cats way of trying to save you? I literally just had the same experience after giving someone an oracle angel reading and coming home to jump into my moms bed who I haven’t spoken to in weeks. You have been overthinking things when the solutions are more fundamental.I dreamt of a cat walking over my face, I didn’t see the colour of the cat, but when I woke up I thought it was my mom’s ginger cat. Like calico cats themselves, the list is a mix of evocative influences, from the everyday to the exotic, the common and the obscure. But of course, this cat sticks around and is very welcoming to me. Touching base here, this spirit has golden eyes, jet black fur, and your other animals have no problem with her. Mystique is a televan or spirit that has been given by the Father to your daughter. The mother cat was hesitant to allow her kittens to nurse from her and her milk supply was not coming in. The window with the fake tower, or illusion, adds to either the definite validation that the other tower is real, but also in all the confusion. Also, it’s pupils are unvarying and rounded despite the sufficient street lighting, and body language are extremely calm, but oddly somehow not uneasily so. “In 2001, the Maryland State legislature added a state symbol by naming the calico cat as the official state cat,” says Connie Spindler, communications specialist at Maryland Office of Tourism. Love And Hope.I’ve always been creeped out by cats. We just put our Doberman Jade down in February due to Liver failure. He was taking me home. Basically they're not supposed to exist and nature takes lengths to keep it that way. Surely this must be about communication, but not sure what is my take-away here as at the beginning the black cat was asking for attention and then running away from me any suggestions?my cat passed away.i keep having dreams of him as a my front door.terry, i would interpret your repeated dream as meaning it is time to allow a new cat into your life, to give a home to a cat in need who needs your love and friendship.Hi I found a cat in my car yesterday it really scared me I drove a couple of meaters and I looked at my rear view mirror and I saw it sitting on top of the head rest looking at me .