It has a strong swift flight with steady wing beats. The Rufous-bellied Niltava looks so awesome! Short, bounding flights, alternates rapid wing beats with wings pulled to sides.Brewer's Blackbird: Medium-sized blackbird with purple gloss on head and neck and green gloss on body and wings. Tail is gray with faint bars, dark terminal band, and white trailing edge. I like the kingfisher the most in this list.I also love orange color birds, the FLAME BOWERBIRD looks cute to me. Tail is short. The front of the face has a white patch and the bill is usually pink-orange. It has a rufous crown, white eye ring and dark brown wings. Low, swift flight, alternates rapid wing beats with wings pulled to sides.Varied Thrush: Large thrush, dark gray upperparts, rust-brown throat, breast, sides, eyebrows, black breast band, and white belly and undertail. Bill is gray. It was named for the state where it was first discovered, where it is an uncommon migrant. Legs and feet are gray. Diet includes aquatic invertebrates.King Eider: Large diving duck with black body and white breast, back. It hides in dense thickets, where it forages on the ground looking for insects, spiders, and caterpillars.Bohemian Waxwing: Large waxwing with gray upperparts, pink-gray crest, black mask and chin, and gray underparts. Their hybrid offspring—brighter orange than a typical Bullock’s, but duller than a typical Baltimore—can confuse bird watchers.

White breast with partial gray-brown breast band.
Dark gray back and nape. Bill is pink. Direct, hovering flight with rapid wing beats. I wonder how the male and female differ in color.These birds look attractive for their bright color and they instinctively adapt to their environment. Bill, legs are bright orange, upper bill develops a fibrous keel during breeding season.

Long live birds.The one and only cute and loving is Pygmy Kingfisher half in orange half white.The one and only cute and loving is Pygmy Kingfisher half orange half white. It alternates strong rapid wing beats with glides.

Upon further examination, the veterinary team at the Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital soon realised they weren't dealing with an exotic animal at all - just a seagull covered in curry. Wings are long and narrow. "We have no idea how he got into this predicament but thankfully, apart from the vibrant colour and pungent smell, he was healthy."

Face is gray with yellow eyestripe and breast is yellow. Feeds primarily on insects. Head has black hood and throat, sharply contrasting white eyebrow and cheek stripe, and yellow spot in front of eye. The rich, whistling song of the Baltimore Oriole, echoing from treetops near homes and parks, is a sweet herald of spring in eastern North America. Strong steady flight with deep wing beats. Red-tipped black bill has yellow patch on upper mandible.

The tail is long, dark, and round-tipped. Face is gray with brown crown and a thin, dark line extending back from eye. Sometimes called Swamp Warbler.Black-throated Gray Warbler: Small warbler, black-marked, slate-gray upperparts, black streaks on flanks, white underparts. Head is black and eyes are red. It has a thin, short black bill and black legs and feet. It hovers before dipping for prey. Tail is long and black with white corners. Wings and tail are gray.

Flies low to the ground.Smooth-billed Ani: Medium-sized, shaggy bird, black overall with bronze overtones, thick bill and long tail, often bobbed, wagged, and held beneath body. Name changed in 2017 from Le Conte's Sparrow to LeConte's Sparrow.Thayer's Gull: Having had full species status since 1973, as of 2017, the AOU considers this gull to be a subspecies of the Iceland Gull and has lumped it there. Direct flight with rapid wing beats.Northern Gannet: Very large seabird. Legs and feet are gray.Black-chinned Hummingbird: Medium hummingbird with metallic green upperparts, gray underparts, white breast, green-washed flanks.