I have told everyone to ignore the jumping and only reward with a greeting when he is sitting down.

Especially bringing a baby into its life for the first time, we are extremely nervous how he will react day to day. He followed me home one day about a year ago and has shown no sign of wanting to leave.

He got wise to that and now scans the horizon for the cause of my concern before he comes back to me. He was laying calmly on the ground beside me and she asked if she could pet him I said yes. He is generally fine with other animals but snaps on occasion.

It has to be a firm muzzle not a cage.

Hence their energy should be directed. If you look after them they will give you their undivided attention for as long as they live.Our Titan let's us know when he wants something and is always looking for ways to please us, although I am sure he knows that it will get him more treats. It’s ok but is that why?

He has only bitten one person and that man knew he shouldn’t have come through the gate without me being there. It is as though they do not feel pain. We have never seen any aggression with him. Blue Heelers give their all to their owners if they are loved.

( My lab has never been a mom)tahge133, Yes our blue heeler just gives people a little warning if they get to close.

Personally I would not get another one, although you may be able to keep them separate. really dangerous. Nothing like Smoke, as she has never growled nor bit me like he did.

However, not all cattle dogs are guaranteed to get any or some of the diseases that affect the breed.If you want to buy an Australian cattle dog puppy, find a breeder who is willing to show you health clearances for the puppy’s parents. Anything I can do to stop this behavior? old (she got him just over 6 wks. I just happened to stumble across this blog and it has been great reading everyones stories.

She just lays on the couch won’t play or anything when you are gone. He has about 15, and knows most by name.

One minute everything is fine then the next she is trying to tear them apart. We never had to use the muzzle again except for when we have to trim her nails as her previous owner never got her accustomed to that.

He used to nip at ankles when he was younger and no longer does so. With the advent of climate change, they suggest we all use paper bags now.Take good care of your dog. I think steralizing him now is a bit late. You can learn the best techniques from an experienced trainer, or train him yourself.Every dog needs to understand the rules in any home.

He had spots on his heart and his lungs. I Don't believe that at all he was a good dog And I know he can again I just need some guidance. This has now happened four times in the past month. I am afraid he will bite my partner. DKA is fast moving, and fatal in my Smokes case.

They would die trying to do the job their master asks of them before giving up.Their pace is either flat-out, or not at all, they don't know the words "steady" or "slow." Infact she has attacked our middle daughters mini wenni dog twice for no known reason and has hurt her bad enuff she had to be take. thanks for reading and commentingi don't own a dog but an old stray cat. I have learned to keep alert and when I see them to whistle for him and call him to come if he doesn't respond to my whistle. He begins sheep herding this wk, I hope it goes well!

Then someone imported Blue Smooth Highland Collies and crossed these with the Dingo.

If you want to have an Australian cattle dog for a canine companion, you have to provide him with a proper outlet for his bright mind and natural energy.Because they were initially bred to herd and chase, they tend to do precisely that.

Haha!These dogs are aggressive , it hasn't anything to do with how they are treated , their genetics are of such , yeah they may lay in your lap and be all cute but get highly aggetated with noise or quick movements , I would recommend a pit bull for a family dogOur family adopted a male Blue Heeler puppy 3 years ago. My problem , which isn’t a problem to me just my kids is that she won’t let anyone get close to me as in a cuddle and she will snap if you take anything off the bed, but never at me.

How do I get him to stop these things?

She has urinated on my couch and my bed so now she is no longer allowed on them which is another difficult situation to break.

Maybe take him to obedience training. I have honestly never ever heard a bad word while traveling around Australia twice with ours. also will fixing him remedy the issue?Hi I have a Deaf blue heeler..female named Lucy. Our dog was a pain when he was young just wanted to play and chew every piece of furniture up.I am just wondering, he is still just a puppy. Otherwise I think I may have to put her down:( That is NOT something I want to do.saroeder, hi just curious why would you buy another dog when you already have one that fits in well with your family. Learn to read your dog, ears back usually mean submissive, untrusting, cautious, ect......if your dog does that near a stranger stop the dog before he nips. I don't want to get rid of her but it is causing tremendous chaos in my home and frustration. I feel your pain that's for sure.

In the meantime, you need to keep the cats and dogs separate from your puppy.Also, don't allow the man you live with to beat her.

My last ACD ripped my heart out when he crossed over on April 20, 2016.

We all have one concern about Cooper and that is his aggression and dislike of small children (toddlers up to pre-teens).

A dog ill-treated can react badly, to the owner or another person.So remember, aggressive behavior has more than one possible cause; it may be that an aggressive dog was ill-treated by his master, but it may be that he loves his master and wants to protect him. And tell him NO when he does something wrong with a deep voice.I have a Heeler pup who constantly nips at my hands if I try to pet him, my feet if my hands arent available or any piece of clothing reachable.

I'd like to get him neutered as I'm sure that would calm him down.