JavaScript is disabled. The problem with this lofty goal is that guys keep throwing up roadblocks. I have an emu for 20 years now and he has never eaten any dry grain; he has always refused all types from ratite, to chicken feed to rabbit feed. Gazing up at him, I lay there on my side as its left eyebrow rose up and its mouth opened wide, yelling "Shreeeeeeeak," indicating to me who was the victor. Lucky lucky bird! Dawn Aura

Also cooked brown rice for grain or crushed corn chips, popped corn. What is this? I do love him, but the time spent preparing his food and the expense is alot.

We need your amazing chicken photos for our 2021 Calendar! How come I am the only person who has an emu that won't eat dry grain? I have an emu for 20 years now and he has never eaten any dry grain; he has always refused all types from ratite, to chicken feed to rabbit feed. Emus will swallow quite large stones and charcoal to help them digest their food. Are they just pets? Absolute terror locks up my body, and my yells quiver slowly out of my throat as if I were in puberty at twelve years old again. My mother and I had never seen an emu before. Men are boneheads, and as a

“LiMu Emu and Doug” stars a pair of 1970s-style buddy cops intent on telling the public that Liberty Mutual offers customized car insurance so you “only pay for what you need.” Why Emus Don't Make Good House Pets. It is without a doubt safe to say in my case that emus do not make good house pets, as my scars continue to remind me. Although they are solitary creatures, emus can live in flocks or pairs. Its twin cousin is Ostrich.These birds usually devoid populated areas.

I cannot move! … One of the most recent incidents came in 2012, when a tourist in Queensland, Australia, was kicked by a cassowary off a ledge and into a body of water but remained unharmed otherwise. I held my own. After 15,000 meals ( I feed him 2x daily), I am tired of this! Emus can be very affectionate and gentle, but at the same time can be very aggressive and moody. This had the effect of nails on a chalkboard, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. It opened its beak and made a god-awful noise. We walked in the backyard, hoping to see a bird perhaps the size of a chicken. I quickly wipe the sticky cold sweat off my forehead and think back on the day I learned that emus do not make good house pets.Two years ago my grandfather invited me and my mother to come over to his place for lunch. How come I am the only person who has an emu that won't eat dry grain?

Its claws ripped through my flesh, knocking me down on the ground. I would hate to think any other emu might suffer as … When they form a flock, they don’t do it for company – they just all gather where food is. In a couple of months it is Thanksgiving, and according to some light reading, emu meat is 97% fat free and has lower cholesterol than most meats oh, I will have my revenge! All he has wanted for all these years is fresh produce and it is labor intensive, cutting up salads and fruit and canned beans or tofu or peanuts for protein.

They seem pretty healthy and happy but I just want the best for them.I enjoyed your Emu posts even though I don't own one. Soo I don't know if they are just used to dog food or what? We have tried to give them other types of food (pellets, types of chicken feed, fruit, spinach and other greens) and they may take a bite or two but won't actually eat it. This nightmare continues to haunt my dreams. My grandfather, always the Santa Claus of our family, decided to surprise us with his pet emu.

Quickly my grandfather came to the rescue and put his "pet" back in his pen. What do you do with your Emus? Derek Spencer. After 15,000 meals ( I feed him 2x daily), I am tired of this! Those attacks that do occur overwhelmingly involve soliciting food from people. Emus have an extraordinary ability to detect predators from far apart. But soon after, the company rolled out a new campaign.

I thought about mixing the dog food with pellets and see how that goes, but I just don't think it's healthy for them to just have dog food as their main I right or is this ok? "Skreeeeeeak!" For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.

You must log in or register to reply here. All he has wanted for all these years is fresh produce and it is labor intensive, cutting up salads and fruit and canned beans or tofu or peanuts for protein. That bird has been spoiled, would be hard to change it's habits at this time but you can try. Standing there, seeing the emu, I thought, "If it were a chicken, this would be the Arnold Schwarzenegger of all chickens. Not many people are aware of what do emus eat since emus are rarely kept as a pet.Emu is a large flightless bird and is endemic to Australia. So if you ever see your emu coughing up thick spit-looking stuff which becomes slightly blood stained, you might consider worming it with some very effective parasite control and that might do the trick.

I had broken the cardinal rule of "never underestimate your opponent," for I had lost.

Oh no oh noooI wake up in my bed thinking to myself, "Oh, thank you, god." Cassowaries are curious, and they do attack from time to time, but attacks on humans are relatively rare. I scrolled upwards to its brown down feathers that covered its wide running-back frame. All of a sudden the emu jumped up and delivered a front kick to my mother's ribs much like the trinity kick in My Kung Fu style would be flawless against the emu, I thought, as I pulled myself up. But they prefer to just play in the water.