If the bull is To dream that something is dripping, suggests that you are slowly losing your identity. My second dream is I’ll be getting out of my grandpas truckand I’ll look at this building that’s either an apartment or library. Yes Jesus is the lion and the lamb but I don’t believe that every lion you dream about represents Jesus. This fun website offers you all kinds of affirmations for all kinds of purposes. My instinct is to stand alone, to push all others away. That felt so real, I got up and my heart was still racing. In my dream I always look at the statue for a few seconds then I walk to the stairs and just fall down them and come back through the fire place and I just keep tumbling never stopping. Thank you! I woke up shortly after and I am unsure if the lion was coming to attack me or not. Listen closely, my beloved friend. But this also not stability. The lion was trying to attack me and I was pushing him away and I woke up. Even though the coat of arms was recorded the symbolic significance may not have been.

I was terrified. Have you suppressed some feelings? He nudged and cuddled with me, too. For the most part, Lion totem people are very loyal and will defend their friends and family’s honour to the death. And theybshowed me video o man with other ppl there and cameras (he was lion trainer) and video was showing him seeing big lion laying down he was right next to him petting him all smiles and then lion bites his hand and rips it off, then bit him in a shoulder, ripped of second hand, and both legs one at a time.

Any one . I was nervous too but rather than flee I chose to stay still.

Lion is the cat who cooperates, who communes, who Dances and Hunts with others in order to survive. Stop using hints and innuendos. No need to bring in religion. Instead, keep an even mind and an overall balance in our life activities. Giving yourself over to others and trusting others requires more courage than most of us think. The Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet was a lion-headed goddess who depicted power. He was from Africa by the way. In general, Lion symbolism brings us a message of prudence. Through those windows you can see the colors of sunset ending so it was getting dark. The Chinese lion usually symbolizes a ‘protector’ against all evils. She said “I miss him”Can you please tell me what my dream means ? Also I ran away from the scene but they did not attack me. A lion is mentioned quite often in the Bible. This trouble is affecting your consciousness and taking out step by step your well-being. There must be something in your life that is yours. My ascendant is Leo, and the one that is a great teacher of mine is a 12th house stellium with 4 planets in lEO no less. The clothes characteristics are what give it meaning in dreams, as they can have various shapes, colors, materials and may appear in several different situations.

Then I was sleeping again and could hear the child crying but the crying got intense and I awoke telling myself something has to be wrong with the child. But a woman showed up and she got very angry with me, and forced the lions back in the cages, while I was trying to let them all out again. These traits are all balanced by a quiet demeanour. Additionally, dripping means that you gently letting out your emotions.

Too my surprise my young son walked like nothing was wrong. Also, the Sphinx, safeguarding the Pharaoh’s in their afterlife has the body of a lion. The Lion Head symbolises courage, strength and excellence. A lion is mentioned quite often in the Bible. In ancient Greece, lions were linked with Dionysus, Phoebus, Cybele, and Artemis since according to certain myths, lions drew the chariots for these gods and goddesses. Brought to you by the same people who created Spirit Animals. I sat on a long sofa alone and to the left of the room we’re nothing but tall windows about 25 to 30 feet tall. Many years before I was bullied and had rough times but I don’t understand why the lion wasn’t there nor did it show itself to me. (See Below) I saw myself in my dream playing with a lioness and its cubs then a tiger appears from nowhere.

Well, we're looking for good writers who want to spread the word. We all must live with our duties to those around us, but it is not doing them any good if we are making ourselves miserable in the process, because that will mean, intentionally or not, that we are making our loved ones miserable too. Before night fall, my brother (late) locked up every where including my room, unfortunately a neighbour came home later, about opening the door for him a lion came from behind rushing to attack, but the door was shut against it. We've created informative articles that you can come back to again and again when you have questions or want to learn more!This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Lioness Symbolism. The symbol of the “Lion’s Paw” was introduced to define resurrection and immortality. Big, strong and well-structured hands indicate success and progress. My mother released the cub and the lioness released me. I have no regrets and I am very blessed to have met him.As he opened my eyes to things I needed to address in my life.I had a dream last night that I was defended by lionesses and a lion from an attacking tiger.

Trust yourself and your perceptions clearly.I had a dream of a lion telling me to bow down to him.. I slummed the door just as the lion got to it. Lion of Judah.Hello there, don’t you know that Jesus is also known as the Lion of Judah! Unknown to another neighbour, running in so we could let him in, my brother(late), helped by going out to bring him in, and the lion got hold of my bro, so we all trying to help pull him inside, I woke up. Reflecting the power of the sun and gold in its vibrant yellow mane, it also stands for both emotional and physical strength, patience, dominion, family, and playfulness.To have a lion as your totem animal means you are fiercely Dreams about lions may have different meanings and are mainly related to your immediate context.