Quickly getting angry and bitter upon seeing the image of Ursa, Azula coldly reminded her mother that she had no reason to see her since her mother thought she was a monster and was further angered when Ursa stated she knew Azula ruled using fear rather than trust due to her confusion, angrily showing she believes Ursa unworthy to lecture her on it for having considered her a monster.
Azula condescendingly instructed Zuko to be more careful in regards to Iroh, ending her warning with the use of his old nickname of "dum-dum" for effect.During the eclipse, Zuko confessed to Ozai that it was Azula who failed to kill the Avatar and that she lied to him to avoid punishment.It is important to note that while Azula was falling, Zuko appeared to genuinely regret that she would really die and even seemed almost relieved when she survived.Zuko and Azula finally battled for the last time on the day Sozin's Comet arrived. After the battle he reunited with Katara and Aang, questioning Azula's motives for leaving the letter behind. During the conversation, Sokka assumed that Malina and Maliq were married and became embarrassed to find out that they were in fact siblings.

He was willing to fight on, even when the cause seemed hopeless.By the time he was forty-three years old, Sokka had mastered the art of public speaking; as chairman of the United Republic Council, he displayed an eloquence in speech and fluidity of presence he did not possess in his younger years.For an inhabitant of a world heavily supported by the mystic art of bending, Sokka showed a remarkable proclivity toward science. Sokka and Zuko teamed up to ward her off with Sokka nearly sending her falling to her death by almost landing a hit on her face. At one point, Azula prompted Sokka to charge at her in blind rage and prepared to strike him with a shuriken dagger. After Zuko revealed that he would love Azula as a sister no matter what, Azula gave up her goal to kill Ursa, running away and leaving her alive instead.Zuko, also referred to as Zuzu by Azula, is Azula's older brother by two years. She ordered her Dai Li agents to assail Aang and his group, stalling them during the eclipse. When Zuko asked why Sokka was still up, the Water Tribe warrior comically mentioned that he had bladder issues since he drank too much water to get rid of the moth wasps' taste. I read somewhere while looking up the same thing. Toph's baby daddys, for all intents and purposes weren't mentioned beyond "a guy named Kanto...didn't work out".

Sokka later went to Kanna's hut, where Hakoda was recuperating after Gilak's failed attempt to kill him, and was relieved to see him regain consciousness. Exiting the way they came, as they emerged from the shipwreck, a pair of riders on snow leopard-caribou gave pursuit, but Sokka was able to distract them by throwing Auntie Ashuna's seal jerky.

He was disappointed to hear that Katara agreed with Gilak that their home had been transformed into a cheap imitation of the North, to which he responded was progress. Iroh later helped the team to determine how they should assist in Ozai's final defeat when Sozin's Comet arrived, showing great respect for all of their abilities including Sokka, as he did not argue when the latter chose to take out Ozai's airship fleet, only offering encouragement.With their shared admiration of science and technology, Sokka immediately formed a friendship with the Sokka apparently kept in touch with the mechanist, providing him with the idea and designs for Because of Toph's young age and blindness, Sokka was at first skeptical of her Sokka occasionally forgot that Toph was blind; in turn, she often used this to her advantage to annoy him by making jokes. The two siblings seemingly have little appreciation of one another.
even if he says that he was raised by a poor seal hunter- Varrick is the type to lie about his backstory. Throughout her journey to When Azula learned that Ursa had given up her old face, she attacked her in a fit of rage.

She, along with the others, criticized Sokka's mediocre drawing of the team, having drawn her firebending.Having spent a significant time apart, Suki was ecstatic to see Sokka again in Bato was a good friend of Sokka's father; the gang encountered him while he recuperated from wounds that he sustained during an ambush against the Fire Nation soldiers. Ironically, Ty Lee did not even acknowledge her crush on Sokka as she did in her past appearances.

If he had any wife, it was most probably Suki, but I really doubt they even had children. After Aang returned from a short meditation session and explained that the town needed to be returned to its natural state, prompting Sokka to ask if that included the destruction of the refinery. During the invasion of the Fire Nation on the Day of Black Sun, Sokka and Toph teamed up with Aang to fight the Fire Lord. It would necessitate inaction on the part of Sokka within Suyin's life to the point of apathy (remember that Suyin joined a Republic City Triad Gang), and it would have made something like Lin dating her sister's cousin quite notable. One year after the Hundred Year War's end, Sokka partnered up with Toph once again to help her prepare her students to defend her metalbending school against a rival class of firebenders.Ty Lee and Sokka finally met again when Sokka attempted to escape the Boiling Rock Prison, but they never actually came face-to-face as Ty Lee was too busy fighting Suki. Later at the festival, Sokka, along with Toph, immediately went to play games, winning a number of stuffed animals Aang later rejoined their company and competed with him in a beanbag toss game.

Sliding down into the caverns beneath the wreck, they encountered When Gilak stated that all foreigners, especially the Northerners, must be banished from the South, Sokka attempted to defend Malina and Maliq, but this only enraged Gilak. As Aang, Toph, and Katara jumped into action, Sokka stayed behind with Lao and a few security guards. During their face off with Azula, Toph saved Sokka's life when she prevented Azula from either stabbing or burning Sokka, and Toph comforted him when the invasion failed.During the arrival of Sozin's Comet, Toph and Sokka teamed up with Suki to destroy the Fire Nation airship fleet.While Toph's romantic interest in Sokka is best understood on the basis of him being her first crush, Sokka seemed oblivious of her emotions but was noted to show more sympathy and understanding to her than did Aang or Katara. This is because if you look back at the last episode of Avatar the last Airbender, you can see how sokka did not end up marrying suki.