A multiple number of items we craft need electrical components in them to function well and that’s where Circuits come in. That's basically mission nodes that have at least a level of "22 - [insert number here]" - if you can find a decent group, you could try your luck running around those. Just shoot me a PM with your ingame name and when you're online (don't forget to tell me which time zone you're in when using specific times).For the future: If you want to look stuff like that up then google [name of thing you want to look up] + warframe + wiki. Best way to farm Split Chamber. Most firearms in WARFRAME fire one pellet per round of ammunition, which account for the weapon's stats and mods upon firing. Although, there are several planets, only a few contain these electrical components that we need and knowing where to get them is a good step towards advancement.Since, Circuits seem to be more on the technological side, we would think that only the Corpus had access to such components. The later happens rarely though. You find those containers mostly in the challenge rooms (in Void missions).

There is a nice list of all drop locations. Split Chamber warframe wiki brings you here.

If you are on PC I can give you one for free. As the title says.

Literally the next day after I got my hands on it, it dropped twice in survival missions I was doing I have a lot of copies of Split Chamber, if any new players need one on PC feel free to contact me @ Sliphatos on steam or in game.Hey, you still have spare Split Chamber? Got another Warframe video today. :-)Just get it with plat if you haven't already. You encounter them in ever grineer raid and in games in which people are marked for death by them. A multiple number of items we craft need electrical components in them to function well and that’s where Circuits come in.

I have a bunch of them because they are the consolation prize when farming relics. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

It appears that is not entirely correct as these Circuits may be found on other planets that are not under the control of the Corpus.We need this resource for the purpose of crafting many of our gear, especially with Warframes and weapons.Having a good stock of Circuits is a good investment for the future crafting of items you plan to add to your arsenal and farming these early on will be a great benefit to you in time.Knowing, how to farm circuits is not really hard, it’s more of where to farm actually and once you get to do missions on different planets you might notice a few places where they drop.Circuits are farmable on three particular planets which Venus, Ceres and at the Kuva Fortress.Among the three planets, I would rather farm on Ceres due to the level of the enemies as well as the chance to get other important resources such as Orokin Cells.There are two missions on Ceres that provide a good amount of Circuits and they seem to give a more efficient farming experience than most of the other missions.Being a Dark Sector mission, Gabii provides a resource drop boost of 35% which is a really big help with farming not only Circuits but other resources as well.Infested swarm the mission in vast numbers, especially with more players in the squad and the more there are means, the more resources you can get.This is considered by many and myself to be the best place to farm Circuits. Split Chamber also drops from (regular) Corpus T3 Defense and (regular) T3 Survivals. Use https://rwarframe.github.io/#flair to set user flair and text.Press J to jump to the feed.

Since, the enemies are easy to kill and come in large numbers.Defeating the infested on Gabii shouldn’t be so hard as they weak and easy to take down with almost any weapons that are available.Usually, when farming here, I would pick up any decent slash damage weapon and give a whack at them since they are not that hard to kill.Draco is a mission that has multiple Grineer forces that will be coming at you and this might provide a little bit of difficulty.