If you're single, it could mean you need to reconstruct yourself from the ground up before you have room for a relationship. The Lovers (VI) has dual meanings. The Two of Wands combined with the Tower is a … The Tower in Regards to Love, Sex and Relationships. When the Tower is near the Star card in a Tarot spread, it is a positive sign regardless of the order of either card.If the Tower precedes the High Priestess card in a Tarot reading, it indicates a disaster of an established institution.

The Tower Card Love Meaning. As its name implies, the sixth card in the Major Arcana is a sign of a strong relationship, but it can also indicate that you are at a major crossroads in life and that you should avoid making hasty decisions. The Tower card in Tarot is all about the downfall of old ideas.

The Ace of this suit predicts a new beginning, and the Two of Wands shows what happens when a new adventure awaits you. Even if the relationship remains standing, it will change fundamentally in some way. The Tower tarot love meaning signals great fundamental changes. Shocking but honest revelations that affect and change relationships are often indicated by the appearance of the Tower in a reading. 282 shares. When it appears in a love tarot reading, it urges you to really to really examine your current circumstances and relationships. The Star in a love Tarot reading can indicate a relationship with an Aquarius. The Tower Tarot card meaning . The Tower tarot card is indicative of needed change.

The Tower is Key 16 of the Major Arcana in a Tarot deck. The Tower in a Tarot reading can denote new opportunity in love and sex. The Lovers is Tarot card #6 and The Tower is #16. Sudden change is the keynote of the Tower. It can also signify a moment of truth that leads to spiritual awakening along with a sense of being finally free. The tower shown as brick to emphasize the building is vulnerable despite being made from a durable material. If the Hierophant (rx) is first, it may be the establishment of a cult movement. While initially painful, these clear the way for new experiences. The basic symbols of this card are a tower on a rocky outcrop, a bolt of lightning, a couple of figures falling from the tower, and waves crashing below.When the Tower card is upright in a Tarot reading, it represents a sudden, massive change. The Tower is often stronger when reversed by sometimes implying a downfall that results in a release from an oppressive situation. The Tower in this position has the meaning of a flash of inspiration that can lead to a change for the better. If you're single, it could mean you need to reconstruct yourself from the ground up before you have room for a relationship. The Empress card has many sexual undertones to it.

If the reversed Tower (rx) appears in a Tarot reading before the Hermit card in either orientation, a self-imposed exile is indicated, but if the reversed Tower follows the Hermit, a new path in life that brings much success will be chosen.The appearance of the Tower card can suggest a shakeup of a relationship, but it can also indicate insight and illumination into matters of the heart. The Tower is symbiotic with The Lovers card. It can indicate a sudden change or the actual collapse of an existing mental or physical structure. The Tower card in this position in most Tarot spreads indicate it is time to start the process of rebuilding.When the reversed Tower (rx) card appears in a Tarot reading after the Justice card, it can have the meaning of a literal release from an institution. The Tower is Key 16 of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck and represents the number 7 making the Tower one of the birth cards for those born under the zodiac ruler of the Chariot.The Tower upright denotes sudden change. You probably know this, but you have been procrastinating about making a big change. It can indicate fabulous sexual experiences or the overall strength within a relationship. This means a period of upheaval, but you can take advantage of the catastrophe.

The Tower tarot card often represents sudden change and upheaval.