"And then, the crack of gunfire is heard and the soldier in the turret slumps forward. 4:45. SHARES. US MARINES in Iraq Real Footage Warning Graphic. Sometimes they’ll include recommendations for other related newsletters or services we offer. I am unable to clarify that information here.
Video Unavailable. Report. Browse more videos. Each time it is reuploaded, the context concerning where it was filmed and who these guys are is changed.
NEW footage has emerged of a Palestinian man being killed by Israeli snipers showing a gruesome insight into the middle-eastern conflict. "77% of medical facilities in Gaza have sustained damage, some of which have been completely destroyed.”So far 560 Palestinians have been killed in the the two-week conflict between Israel and Palestine, with the majority of the dead being civilians.The UN says more than 100,000 Gazans have now been displaced as both sides continue to shell one another.US Secretary of State John Kerry has held talks with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to try to arrange a ceasefire as Palestine continues to see the worst of it.He said in a press conference over the weekend: "No country can stand by while rockets are attacking it. Despite the hype, there’s no doubt that these professional marksmen are masters of concealment and precision shooting. (CNN) -- Chilling scenes from a videotape made by insurgents show the work of snipers in Iraq, targeting and killing American troops, taking them down with a single bullet from a high-powered rifle.The graphic video of 10 sniper attacks was obtained by CNN -- through intermediaries -- from the Islamic Army of Iraq, one of the most active insurgent organizations in Iraq.In one scene, U.S. soldiers mingle among Iraqi civilians on a city street as a U.S. Humvee with a gunner in its turret stands guard nearby.From a distance, possibly hundreds of yards away, a sniper watches for his opportunity to strike as a fellow insurgent operates a camera to capture the video for propaganda purposes.In the video, street sounds mix with male Arabic voices as the sniper and his spotter talk off-camera. 13:57. iraq cruelty by US marines..flv. "We seek out the enemy and eliminate them with precision fire. Note: to turn off these warnings you …
The world has seen the most graphic video footage imaginable come straight out of Syria, from all sides of the war.
Click to play Tap to play. The combat footage was actually a clip from the 2010 Medal of Honour videogameWant to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? This video highlights the top items purchased after a deployment...The U.S. military is the fittest fight force in the world. It uses highly pressured mercury accelerated by nuclear energy to produce a plasma that creates...An AC-130 gunship and UH-60 helicopter light up the night as troops on the ground work a laser illuminator.Check out Military.com's original video series today. "Allahu Akbar (God is Great)!" Unlike the Iraqi wars with American leaked videos, and News agencies palatable releases, Syrian fighters are recording everything. "Want me to find another place? However, each time this video is posted there are arguments that arise over what exactly happened. You can also choose to be emailed when someone replies to your comment.The existing Open Comments threads will continue to exist for those who do not subscribe to Independent Premium. I am unable to clarify that information here.