I started to be sooo happy and grateful. In The Magic, Rhonda Byrne reveals life-changing knowledge about the power of gratitude that was hidden within a two-thousand year old sacred text.Then, on an incredible 28-day journey, she teaches you how to apply this life-changing knowledge in your everyday life, …

[spacer height=”20px”] “Manifest your true Destiny through your Infinite Awareness”   Hi, my name is Monika Timari. Tagged on: gratitude. Sign in to YouTube. It means, every day I do all of the 5 days (till now).Doing all of the exercises every day worked as a MIRACLE! Akashic World where your Soul meets with Reality.

You can also visit myThis website uses cookies to improve your experience. If you feel uncertain or uncomfortable, I would suggest you to stay with these exercises for some more days. Lets see what brings tomorrow!I would like to hear your opinion and comment. Searching for not just one but more, can let you see how nice your day were (I mean the whole one).Additionally to raise the effort I activated the stone to be a Tachyon Antenna and I put it under my pillow. 7:11 . Think back through all the good things that happened during the day to find the best one. [spacer height=”50px”] My mission is to help you:  Find your Soul, Your Path and Create your Reality so you can Change Your World.

I would love to hear your experience, comments, anything what you feel to add!Contact me any time if you have question, share it if you like it. Akashic World where your Soul meets with Reality. Sign in. Loading... Save. He does things he did not do before and he is more open and loving. Bu for those who does have a job to have money, it can be complicated.As we start to work we should watch our reactions when we feel grateful. The second day and I am still alive!

Coupling the Secret and the Law of Attraction with Gratitude, you see some awesome changes to your life. The main characters of this self help, non fiction story are , . Even in the morning I felt so energized. I think, after Money it is the next critical topic in our life.

We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. For sure, for those people who like their job it is not an issue.

It means, additional 10 blessings for what I am grateful. Choose three of your closest relationships to be grateful for.

Actually now it went better than on the first day. Free download or read online The Magic pdf (ePUB) (The Secret Series) book. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of 272 pages and is available in Paperback format. The Magic by Rhonda Byrne (Author of the Secret)- Day 1 Count Your Blessings by puregoddessuniversity. This day is for collecting as many things as you can to be grateful for.“I am so grateful for my job because it brings me money.”It is a possibility to see good things in your job what prepares you for something better.I hope, I was able to give you some inspiration to try this exercise and get a better understanding about the work you are doing.If you enjoyed this article feel free to comment or share. (lets say, I was happy and I can fly having a great Cappucino – so you can imagine how big change it is). I am @ Feel free to ask, comment, share your experiences. I started to tell to my husband how thankful I am for things, even when he started to “surprise” me with small things. Gratitude is a powerful tool…since what you rest your attention upon is what will shape your brain the most.

Something for I am really gratefulHere I made a small change, because I thought, okey something practical would be better, for example what I can even wear.