And when you break it down, Vampires certainly do have quite a few advantages and perks! Without his or her consent, all your efforts will be useless. Spells to become a Vampire are in high demand! Make sure you are reading all about their cool superpowers which include super speed, night vision, heightened sense of smell and so forth. 2. From the entire list, I have to admit that this must be my favorite way of becoming a vampire. Certain circumstances can increase your chances of becoming a real-life vampire. Why would you want to? There are no working spells and trust me you won't ever find one. Strive to be a vampire with some self-respect for crying out loud! Thanks to your decision, a lot of people’s lives, especially those close to you, will be turned upside down. There might include being born extra hairy, a family curse, etc. Am Roland by name, i turn to a vampire any time i want to, I become a vampire because of how people treat me, This world is a wicked world and not fair to any body. The good thing is that you don't need to perform any sensitive, dark, or disgusting rituals that might end up upsetting the balance of nature. This is the hardest part of becoming a vampire. In fact, becoming a vampire is an accepted practice in some parts of the world. I'd like to show you perhaps one of the biggest collection of vampire information you will find anywhere! I still insist that he or she has to be a friendly one who has no interest in spooking or “drinking” you for whatever reason.

So don't try to find a slayer, and don't try to have a slayer find you. When you are mixing them, repeat the following chant once. ' Read this page to learn the truth about slayers. It is for this reason that you need to find a real-life vampire and start negotiating. You don’t to wake up with a wooden stake through your heart or your entire body in flames! and go directly to get the vampire spell here => However, and if you are going to hang around for just a little bit more time, and before I reveal the answers, let us delve into the absolute fascination, wonder and indeed obsession the world now has with vampires. Vampire transformation is what it shall be. Am now a powerful man and no one step on me without an apology goes free. This is despite the fact that my chances of joining the club still lie between highly unlikely and never. Your mentor will help raise awareness of the spiritual energy around you. - Drinking the blood of a vampire. But you have nothing to worry about because it’s something that’s very achievable and has been done countless times before. Just in case you are as afraid of a vampire bite as I am of a human bite, then you should consider mixing your blood with vampire blood. My advice is that when you decide to use vampire trinkets, try seeking help from people who have real knowledge about them! Meditate for at least one minute. It is also a good idea to talk to your loved ones and make them understand why you decided to become a vampire. Before you even get to the point of hiding from the sun, getting a nice and comfortable wooden coffin should be your number one concern. That said, anyone who feels like he or she wants to be a vampire only needs to list a few things that they need to do and they can proceed. Therefore, it is much more beneficial to face the challenge as a group rather than doing it all alone. There are a good number of spells you can use in your bid to becoming a vampire. Sometimes vampires just like spooking people so they can feed on your energy through fear. There was no real romanticism or positive slant and yet today, vampires have been glamorized and immortalized in books, television, film and music like never before!So much so, they are now in fact worshipped by many.