Percy winced. He was her amazing, silly, and anxious brother.

A golden net covered him, and the stench of Greek fire filled the air. By: wanna-play-a-game. They both looked into the woods as more and more bunnies advanced on them.Both gods ran to the nearest tree and climbed into it, shaking with terror. Second.

But honestly, his entire mindset had been shattered by Zeus and everything that had occurred since the giant war. So long since she was the one holding him together.She pulled him over to her again, gentler this time. There's an attack on the lake! “Do you want to go outside?

“Hephaestus and I fixed it, it's as good as new.” He felt a smile creep across his face. This was the result. I could understand why though. “little brother” Artemis stared at him, a smile making it's way across her face.“FINALLY YOU ADMIT IT! I estimate about one hour a month. Don't get me wrong i HATE your haikus. He just couldn't get himself to talk right now.“Apollo you're a god, you can just will nectar into existence,” Artemis said quietly. "Nico was standing there, holding a crate that was jerking about in his arms. He disappeared into a glimmer of sparks and she started panicking. “I clearly remember how hungry i was.. NEVER say these sentences to Percy Jackson. That he would stay scattered for as long as he could….Hermes heard a the loud crack of lightning from the throne room.

Just the need to protect.Apollo wasn't on Olympus often, and had one of his godly sons run his chariot.

“Oh! "Dionysus couldn't take much more.

Story Only three had survived the blast, two broke when he touched them. Apollo was laughing at something on his phone, he didn't notice the grins on the gods faces. Pulling him into a tight hug.“Apollo. He hardly even looked up from the ground.

We shall vote to see if Apollo regains his spot on the council.” Artemis watched anxiously as Poseidon glared at Zeus, still ready to protect Apollo. I was confused and everything hurt so badly… .I had lost my immortality almost completely.. All but the faintest golden touch to my.. “Are you going to answer me or not?” Apollo said, there was a hint of emotion in his voice. The hunters saw this, and some of the oldest hunters already knew something had happened to him the moment he showed up in there camp…Lilie stared at the god who had just appeared in their camp. The god that was once so vibrant and cheery was no longer anything like that. Well, The Seven, Nico, Thalia, Rachel, and Grover are being sent back. Artemis was out searching for fragments of her brothers consciousness to try to convince him to hurry the fuck up. She moved towards the Queen, her white dress swaying and shimmering as she moved. He was APOLLO for the fates sake.

The sun god had pissed off Dear Old Dad a few to many times over the years and Zeus isn’t exactly one for talking things out. “At 4 months I felt my immortality start to fade.

Percy and Nico were laughing silently up a nearby tree. It was clear she did, you could practically see the power ever so slowly returning to the disgraced Olympian.

Thalia looked triumphant. She looked at Thalia helplessly, before pulling away.

Now Zeus was pointing his master bolt at the younger god. "They both waited impatiently for Poseidon and Hades to show up. Change wasn't bad after all.It had been nearly 5 months since he had been seen on Olympus or otherwise. Before the kids knew it Annabeth was in the middle of the parents and yelling at them. Whenever I feel sad you just want to coddle me. Then at their fathers.Campers turned to stare as the boys tore across the camp, followed by two VERY angry gods and a bunch of rabbits.Sorry for this being kinda rushed, one-shot about Hades and Poseidon's greatest fear and what happens when their sons get bored.

“You want to talk about it?” she inquired. Oh “I Just… I really needed you and you said something like “Apollo you’ve had hundreds of lovers how is this one any different” and that just tore me apart inside… but that's the past and.. And I forgave you for that and it doesn't matter any more” Artemis was speechless.

She looked at him quizzically, he nodded violently. I can show it too you." And if you need to talk i'm always here.” Apollo nods, then smiles gently.“Arty, i know that.

-This happens after the "The Hero's of Olympus" books.-

Artemis could tell how scared he was.

He had been for the past 2 1/2 hours.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Annabeth's face go red. This boy, no devils' incarnate, is likely to be more evil than Kronos and Gaia put together and multiplied by two.' I didn't think me finding you meant to much to you…” Apollo looked at her skeptically. “Hey Apollo? That boy is strong enough to break a god's mind to the point not even you can help. Why didn't he listen?