This is my first street bike in 20 years. Some have reported that the raked out forks make the bike unsettled or wobbly at low speeds. Throttle response is awesome.
Got my money back and found out I don't like Honda Shadows.A forum community dedicated to Suzuki Volusia and Boulevard C50 motorcycle owners and enthusiasts. It really snaps when shifting gears, so I have to let the clutch out easy. Both were closed for inventory. It has a lot of good torque and is great on the freeway. Die wird aber noch um einen Super Tourer...1997 versuchte BMW mit der R 1200 C ins Cruiser-Segment einzudringen – mit bescheidenem Erfolg.
don't care for the looks of the 2005 now that they have changed the style and the name. I find it is a much more comfortable bike. The ride is comfortable at highway speeds with minimal vibration. Man, it just fits me perfect. When the VS1400 was introduced, it offered performance that was inconceivable for a factory V-twin cruiser, as of this day the rest of the cruiser world has just begun to catch up.
I tried many Japanese bikes and read many magazines. When the 4 speed was dropped for a 5 speed, the top of the class performing Intruder lost more than a second in quarter-mile acceleration in favor to a slightly lower engine speed on the highway. I recently upgraded to the VS1400 from a 650 Savage.
I bought hard LeatherLyke saddlebags, expensive, but I liked the locking tops. The aftermarket could have better options, but it is difficult to think up custom pieces for a product that covered nearly everything. I only hope they continue to make this model because when I wear this one out I want another one. Lots of get-up-and-go, and lots of chrome. I love the way it looks with the early chopper style and sleek fast appearance. These motorcycles are probably some of the easiest to learn how to ride on. The weight keeps me from getting blown around. Same bike but not 2 toned and different seat and no sissybar.
Have since sold the 2002 and bought a 2004 Intruder. Great bike and enjoy the ride.
The shifting is smoothe and well geared.
Or else, you will not do it...It is the best choice for the money as long as you use it as a cruiser. The riding position is comfortable, but the factory seat is not; and can lend itself to a numb butt in less that 2 hours, even worse for the passenger. I like to believe it has a distinctive character all it's own.
Ride safe. Themenstarter am 6. With all the praise there is some flaws or at least curiosities. I have a intruder 1400. Back in late December 2002, I went to two Harley dealers in the Portland area and was determined to walk out with a new Dyna Wide Glide for $16,000. I'm gonna go look at it tonight.
Saw the Intruder 1400 and had to have it. I think I have used up all of my good luck riding motorcycles.If you crash just turn the ign off like a proper bike . It sometimes wont start. The 1400 in stock is full of this shit.
As for life expectancy, 60-75,000 is pretty common IF the bike was cared for properly. This is a great bike for the price. You wont go wrong buying it.I bought one new in 95 and rode it from La back to ohio.
Call me crazy, but I love to ride and this is a perfect bike for me. The only thing I find wrong with it is for my height I wish the seat was about 2 inches farther back. Given the obvious quality of design and the mondane cookie cutter aproach manufacturers, specifically Japanese, have taken toward the styling of the cruiser market in recent years had led me directly to the the old Intruder. You need to see it in person. Bei Fragen einfach melden Mfg Es... 700 € VB 24888 Steinfeld. I took the battery out and it was in the lower 12 volts and i went ahead and charged it. I only liked it at first but it grows on you and I love it now. Möchte mir ne Chopper zulegen. It's got more than enough power, comfortable on trips, I love it's looks, stock pipes sound great and the drive line is great for planting the power to the pavement.