Your present situation is rooted in the past and having the Queen of Wands in this position is the Tarot’s way of assuring you that your foundation is an optimistic core that loves life.In the present position, this card indicates that you are at a new plateau in your development.

Life Questions Queen of wands in general questions. The Queen of Wands tarot card denotes a warm, kind, and passionate person.

“Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.”Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.The Queen of Wands (Water of Fire) is the most magnetic of all the courtiers. Compare the ranks and suits of the two cards to see what such a pair might mean. She is always attractive and often good-looking in the classical sense.

Everything does not happen at once; there is a past, present and future position in your Tarot reading. Pisces The Queen of Pentacles mixes well with the suit of Cups as they reinforce that the nurturing that is going on is from a place of true, unconditional love. Tarot Readers The presence of card combinations influences the whole of your reading.When the Queen of Wands is joined by another queen card, this indicates the presence of a strong, supportive person in your life. You are able to more clearly see where you have been and can appreciate the trials and tribulations of days gone by as much as you can the victories, for the good and bad have made you a more complete person.The future position is a wonderful place for the Queen of Wands to make her appearance in your reading. Spiritual Advice Articles Wine and dine her. The The other court cards are Pages and Knights. She is inevitably found in the spotlight, never doubting for a second that this is her rightful place.When she chooses a spiritual path, she rises quickly to higher levels of consciousness, thanks to having a natural aptitude for soul alchemy and blending/harmonising male and female energy within. The Queen in the Tarot signifies the element of Fire.

Her Shadow can pretty much be defined as the soap opera drama queen.Her divine gift is that she teaches women to be OK with who they are – glorious, powerful and sexy goddesses!Basically, she doesn’t give a shit what you think about her and therein lies her true power.“I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. Queen of Wands appears in personalities and relationships that are anything but boring. Queen of wands is also a metaphysic who can use her mind to create both harmony and havoc. reversed. If you're new, I wouldn't muddy the waters worrying about dignities.

If you integrate these traits in your scheme of action, you can easily overcome the odds and challenges of life. The Judgement indicates a juncture in one’s life that will lead to reflection. The Queen of Swords appearing in a reading with the Queen of Wands combines to reveal a friend is influenced by your ideas and is spreading the word for you. Help me celebrate my feminine power and magnetism, and take my rightful place in the world. Queen of Wands For Love.

Or, it can represent a person with those attributes who will have a direct bearing on the situation. The Queen of Wands As a Person (Significator) A classy, smart, and intelligent person represents the Queen of Wands. This is someone who is goal-oriented and determined. You are not as invincible as you think.It signals a time when you will enjoy attending parties and other fun social gatherings.

It means being kind, patient, faithful and nurturing.