Some farmers have been known to make millions out of this popular root crop.Do you want to plant a lucrative, inedible plant? When planting these berries, choose the most viable varieties that would not disappoint you. An acre will give you about 4 pounds, indicative of how lucrative the herb is. Originally grown in They can be consumed fresh, as a juice or dried. In good soil, an acre of Elephant garlic can yield 15,000 pounds. Bamboo is one among the uneatable, but one of the most profitable crops ever. The payoff on growing garlic can be big for those who grow specialty garlic. However, it is one of the most on demand crops in the Asian region.Ginseng supplements are made from the ginseng root and root hairs. You can If you want to earn good money through agriculture, you need to take a look at this list of You should also consider topographic features such as physical and chemical properties of the soil, prevailing climate type, humidity as well as adaptability of a certain crop. Bamboo is not just a tropical plant, as many hardy varieties of the plant can handle sub-zero winters.

It is very hard to lose a crop of garlic crop, as it tolerates a wide range of soil and weather conditions.Saffron is a spice that comes from saffron crocus bulbs, a purple-blue flower that thrives in sunny environments. They are disease-resistant and adapted to a wide range of soil … She also has a background in journalism with years of experience in business research, freelance writing and copy editing.A Sample Hemp Processing Plant Business Plan TemplateStarting a Tea Farm – Sample Business Plan TemplateStarting a Peanut Farm – Sample Business Plan TemplateStarting a Pumpkin Farm – Sample Business Plan TemplateStarting a Cucumber Farm – Sample Business Plan TemplateStarting a Plantain Farm – Sample Business Plan Template Depending on the location, some of the most profitable cash crops in India include: rice, cotton, daal (lentils) as well as various types of flowers. It can be used to fight off infections, improves heart health, decreases LDL cholesterol levels and it is believed that it can improve athletic performance and help with erectile dysfunction.Even though growing ginseng requires a six year wait to harvest the mature roots, most growers also sell young “rootlets” and seeds for income while waiting for the roots to mature. But, for best cash crops per 1 acre, for example, you might consider some fruits like strawberries, raspberries or apples. Saffron is made out of the stigmas (the part of the flower that gets germinated by pollen) from the crocus plant.The hard part of growing saffron is the harvesting process, which is ridiculously labor intensive. A flower growing business has almost unlimited possibilities, from bulbs to cut flowers to dried flowers – often called “everlastings”, for their long life.It doesn’t cost much to get started growing flowers for profit either – just a few dollars for seeds and supplies. It reaches full production in 5 years.

The most popular culinary herbs include basil, chives, cilantro and oregano.For instance, according to NC State Extension website, large producers who grow basil for oil, plant around 30,000 to 35,000 plants per acre. They’re also fairly hardy and able to thrive in dry environments. North Dakota doesn’t have a yield contest. Price for dried organic goji berries is around $20 or more per pound. Why does it cost so much? Over the six year period, growers can make as much as $100,000 on a half-acre plot from seeds, rootlets and mature roots.That’s why ginseng has been prized as a specialty crop since George Washington’s day, when ginseng profits helped finance the Revolutionary war against the British. It is logical that the most profitable cash crop in India will differ from that in the US. Another grower and customer favorite is Elephant garlic, whose large, mild cloves bring $6-$8 per pound. The fresh flowers are sold in bundles or used for lavender oil.