FINAL EPISODE:”The Way Home” Se-yeon proposes to Min and he happily accepts but as they … Continue reading "Abyss: Episode 16 (Final)" Especially on the heels of Se-yeon dying… again… And although the finale tied up all the loose ends, it’s the neat and perfect bow that always feels too easy and lackluster. The ending of Misty is 100% consistent with the narrative of the 15 episodes that got us there. Se-yeon mutters that “he” should be able to find her, and says aloud that she’s upgraded her security.Se-yeon passes on an envelope from Hee-jin and Mi-do winces that she’d forgotten to send her an invite. Min chides Se-yeon for trying to peek at his and she asks when they should dig them up again, suggesting their 100-day anniversary. All alone, Se-yeon wails uncontrollably.Sometime later Se-yeon awakens in the hospital. Well actually, it's more of a rant because I was typing away too many thoughts and realized that I was deviating from the main point of another post So I … Mom hugs her daughter and they both weep as Dad looks on, tears in his eyes but still skeptical.Meanwhile, Min’s mother has collapsed and Se-yeon pays her a visit. As for my final thoughts...Thank you for recapping til the end. Laughing that she can’t stay mad, Se-yeon opens her arms and they hug.A light and sweet ending to a not-always-light, but sometimes-sweet show.

[+833, -82] The whole last episode was just a bunch of ads… the PPL kept distracting me… Would’ve been better to end it at the 19th episode. Kim Shin once again had to say goodbye to the two people he loved, but this time the breakup was the beginning of happiness for Sunny and the Grim Reaper.Thirty years later, Kim Shin smiled at Sunny and the angel of death who had been reincarnated and looked close. A flashback shows Se-yeon had visited her recently and praised Hee-jin on her farming skills. Wresting the gun from Ji-wook, Min races over to her. By the end of the day, I read fans comments and most of them loved the ending and by the end of the day, it’s all that matters. Min stops walking and gently entwines his fingers with hers as all the lights suddenly turn on. We provide you with the latest Korean news. Alas, Se-yeon doesn’t hear him as she’s already fallen asleep.Sometime later, Min and Se-yeon dig up their time capsules. Se-yeon is thrilled and Min happily follows after her, adding that he couldn’t leave the most important thing off his bucket list.After playing on the rides for a while, Min surprised Se-yeon with ice cream. Not that Se-yeon and Min didn’t suffer and But we’ve long established that the mechanics of this universe are clunky, at best, and while the premise was certainly fascinating, the execution left something to be desired.

Actions have consequences, as our characters discover this hour. After calming down, Mom says to announce Min went on a long-term business trip. The housekeeper calls out to her and hands her Min’s phone to look into, calling her Se-yeon, before correcting herself.Afterwards, she heads back to Mi-do’s and frowns when she opens her bag to find Abyss, which she’d left in Min’s room. The plot with the cardboard man was pretty cool because it was consistently hinted at throughout the show, but it didn't end with any sort of explanation. As Min cradles Se-yeon in his arms, Ji-wook rises to his feet. A mysterious breeze flips the pages of her diary.Se-yeon kicks butt in court the next day and then heads to the amusement park. Se-yeon promises to prove herself and apologizes for not telling them the truth sooner. Goblin retained a consistently high rating in each episode, even … Their fight doesn’t last long, though, as Min soon gives in and begs forgiveness. Episodes 15 and 16 were aired in a row, which made the audience very happy and impatient with the ending of the drama. Their love is eternal and their happiness can finally be achieved.Channel-Korea is your Korean news, entertainment, music & fashion website. Min suspiciously says he had things to put in his capsule and figured Se-yeon didn’t.

Hee-jin had offered to tell her a secret to cheer her up and although we don’t hear it, it’s safe to assume she’d admitted she’d never actually slept with Min because Se-yeon nonchalantly said they already knew and Hee-jin squealed that they must’ve done Se-yeon returns home after the wedding to find her mother stocking her fridge. It’s a hard pill to swallow, especially when even the best intentions can have unforeseen repercussions, but our heroes are determined to see it through… for better or for worse. Ji-wook shouts that Se-yeon is still alive and sitting in the courtroom, but no one heeds the ravings of a madman and he’s dragged out by guards. If he was just going to come back with seemingly no explanation, what was the point of doing the whole disappearing thing? He says he hopes the child looks like him and Se-yeon tuts that’s no good.Min balks that she’s referring to his old face and she asks if he’s mad. She was Goblin’s sister in her previous life as Queen and the Grim Reaper’s wife.A rebellious yet kind-hearted chaebol heir and the only grandson of the Yoo family, a household that has the responsibility of taking care of the Goblin.