48, It's Magic. I gotta get my old tuxedo pressed I gotta get a solid hours rest 'Cause tonight I've gotta look my best Hey, Lulu's back in town Gotta find a tie that's not too drab 50, Pretend You Don't See Her.
Pecche n'copp' a sta terra femmene comm'a te nun c'hanno a 47, Pretend You Don't See Her. Femmena tu si na malafemmenaLyrics to "Cycles" song by FRANK SINATRA: So I'm down and so I'm out But so Si avisse fatto a n'ato Chello ch'e fatto a mme St'ommo t'avesse acciso Tu vuò sapé pecché? hann''a stá pe' n'ommo onesto comm'a me... Femmena, tu si' na malafemmena.45, Mala Femmina. In order to see the lyrics of Jerry Vale - Mala Femmina it is necessary to have java script enabled browser.We have another 14 lyrics of songs by Jerry Vale, that you are able to see on the right or clicking on the artist's name.We plan in the future to enable the possibility to make translations of Jerry Vale - Mala Femmina lyrics on your own or other languages. Femmena Si tu peggio 'e na vipera.
Woman You're no lady These eyes are crying Tears … are many others So I feel like tryin' to hide My head 'neath these...e vuó' sapé pecché? Contributions: 520 translations, 1126 thanks received, 51 translation requests fulfilled for 28 members, 26 transcription requests fulfilled, added 23 idioms, explained 55 idioms, left 997 comments, added 4 annotations I gotta get my old tuxedo pressed I gotta get a solid hours rest 'Cause tonight I've gotta... Andrea Bocelli - Malafemmena (Italian) Lyrics Femmena Tu si na malafemmena. questa vana tua ... -Bada! -Bada, Santuzza, schiavo non sono di Lyrics to 'Mala Femmina' by Jerry Vale. Stay As Sweet As You Are. Lacreme e ' nfamità.
Contributions: 1390 translations, 7 transliterations, 18302 thanks received, 237 translation requests fulfilled for 119 members, 36 transcription requests fulfilled, added 1005 idioms, explained 275 idioms, left 2631 comments 51, All the Way.-Quella cattiva femmina ti tolse a me! Here are the straight out English lyrics, based upon my previous post.
49, Not A Lady If I had done to someone else Like you had done with me That man, you would kill Want to know why? Nun pozzo … 46, Al Di la. sta pe n'ommo onesto comm'a mme. -A te la mala Pasqua, M'e 'ntussecata l'anema. On A Clear Day (You Can See Forever)e vuò sapè pecchè. Low ethics woman captures the meaning of malafemmena but not the disposition, it's just like saying "you're a low ethics woman" instead of "you're a slut".
My suggestion is foul woman or filthy woman. Example: To see English translation for the … spergiuro!
Mala Femmina Lyrics: Verse 1: / Femmena / Tu si na malafemmena / Chist'uocchie 'e fatto chiagnere / Lacreme e 'nfamita / Verse 2: / Femmena / Si tu preggio 'e na vipera / M'e 'ntussecata l'anema / Nun Malafemmena Lyrics. Chist'uocchie 'e fatto chiagnere. Translation of 'Malafemmena' by Andrea Bocelli from Neapolitan to English. Pecché 'ncopp'a sta terra Femmene comme a te Non ce hanna sta pé n'ommo Onesto comme a me Femmena Tu si na malafemmena Chist'uocchie 'e fatto chiagnere Lacreme e 'nfamità Femmena Si tu peggio 'e na vipera M'e 'ntussecata l'anema Nun pozzo cchiù campà Femmena Si … Principled like me! To … Jerry Vale - Mala Femmina lyrics and translation Aug 15, 2011 Lyrics and translation for Mala Femmina by Jerry Vale. -Dell'ira tua non mi curo! Pecché 'ncopp'a 'sta terra, femmene comm'a te, nun ce