You might want to take a look at the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception. In fact, it painted by Ambrogio de Predis between 1495 and 1508 under the tutelage of Leonardo Da Vinci to replace the first.This second version, which is on display at the National Gallery of London, is quite different from the first.

hey. Composition wise the figures are wicked crowed on the left side of the painting; and the background appears to be two different settings rather than one.
The Virgin of the Rocks is an odd picture, a fusion of fantasy and precise observation. Paris City Vision is a brand Paris Experience Group Leonardo began his painting career in Florence, but in the early 1480s he offered his services to Milan’s ruling family, the Sforzas.

The subject in the painting is interesting, for it does not portray an episode from the Gospels and therefore is open to interpretation. Some writers, including Martin Davies, feel that 1483 is too late a date for the Louvre version, and suggest that the painting had already been begun and perhaps completed in Florence before the commission. John kneels, gazing towards the Christ child with his hands together in an attitude of prayer. Leonardo has changed the angel’s robes from red to blue, probably to simplify the picture and focus attention on the Virgin’s yellow draperies.Download a low-resolution copy of this image for personal use.License and download a high-resolution image for reproductions up to A3 size from the National Gallery Picture Library. For example, he has blurred the edges of their forms to indicate the shadows that envelop them. Also, in the National Gallery version of the painting, the angel is not pointing at John the Baptist and seems to gaze into the distance (as if the angel is dreaming/imagining this scene, instead of participating in it).. While in Milan, he received the commission to paint The painting was to be part of a grand altarpiece which included a large sculpture of the Virgin Mary, probably placed above it. They are crowded in a grotto overhung with rocks and dense with vegetation.The painting was part of a large, elaborate altarpiece made for the church of San Francesco Grande, Milan to celebrate the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. Thus, It would take Da Vinci over 20 years to produce a second painting. John the Baptist features prominently in the painting: the archangel Uriel points to him as he sits right next to Mary.The confraternity was not satisfied when the oil on panel was delivered. Technical examination shows that a few years later he changed the position of Christ’s head, turning it from a three-quarter to profile view. These primitive elements suggest the scene is set in the earliest moments of creation: the first verses of the biblical creation story tell of God creating the earth out of the watery deep. (1452-1519) was born in the Italian village of Anchiano, which was very close to Vinci, which is where he got his name from.

The painting was done on a wooden panel which was meant to be placed within a larger sculpted altarpiece for the chapel. You have chosen very interesting paintings to discuss in your essay. It would take Da Vinci over 20 years to produce a second painting. St. John’s leg is a bit too long for the rest of him. It replaced a similar picture Leonardo made earlier (now in the Louvre, Paris).Leonardo has used innovative painting techniques to give the impression that the figures are emerging from the darkness of this shaded setting.