Before making a statement about which one is unsure, it is not uncommon to preface the statement with a request for a sanity test, alerting people to the fact that the statement is open to correction or clarification from someone who might know more.The ability to ask for a sanity test is often respected by friends and colleagues, because it indicates that someone freely admits that he or she is not infallible. The difference between smoke and sanity, at least as I understand it, is that smoke test is a quick test to see that after a build the application is good enough for testing.Then, you do a sanity test which would tell you if a particular functional area is good enough that it actually makes sense to proceed with tests on this area. In the sciences, people may bounce ideas off each other to ask for such a check, reflecting the fact that an idea which sounds totally reasonable inside someone's head might turn out to be flawed after analysis by another person.

The term "sanity check" is used to describe an instance in which someone takes a moment to test assumptions, confirming that they are, in fact, correct.

The term "sanity check" is used to describe an instance in which someone takes a moment to test assumptions, confirming that they are, in fact, correct. exciting challenge of being a wiseGEEK researcher and writer. Sanity may play with insanity; but insanity must not be allowed to play with sanity.

sanity example sentences.

But it was more than Dean's charity that kept the two together, although at times Dean questioned the relationship as well as his sanity … Sanity checks sound like a reasonable and helpful way to keep a strong and helpful discussion going. Also known as sanity tests, these checks have a number of valuable uses True! That's my job." Mary has a liberal arts degree from Goddard College and sanctity definition: 1. the quality of being very important and deserving respect 2. the quality of being holy: 3. the…. Taking the time to make a sanity check is almost always a good idea, as incorrect assumptions or calculations can throw off a result, requiring additional work to figure out when the situation went wrong, and how it can be corrected. Example sentences with the word sanity.

Having a way in which people can submit input and rate ideas is an important step for the future. Some people may describe instituting one for someone else, like "Susan thought she knew what was going on, but I gave her a sanity check and we got things straightened out." How to use sanity in a sentence. Sanity (from Latin: sānitās) refers to the soundness, rationality, and health of the human mind, as opposed to insanity.A person is sane if they are rational.In modern society, the term has become exclusively synonymous with compos mentis (Latin: compos, having mastery of, and Latin: mentis, mind), in contrast with non compos mentis, or insanity, meaning … Groups of sanity tests are often bundled together for Another common usage of 'sanity test' is to denote checks which are performed These kinds of sanity checks may be used during development for debugging purposes and also to aid in Sanity checks are also performed upon installation of ISTQB® Glossary for the International Software Testing Qualification Board® software testing qualification scheme, The following are the ones I find hilarious: I hope the jokes keep your sanity This process is also used in mathematical calculations, confirming that the result of a calculation is correct by approaching the calculation in another way. In arithmetic, for example, when multiplying by 9, using the To simplify, consider squaring 10. "Rose," he said, forcibly trying to keep a serious tone, "I can think of many words to describe you, sexy and hot being at the top of … Being able to listen when being critiqued or corrected is the most important aspect of establishing and executing a good think tank or any "skunk works" of new scientific innovations.

They recognize a deficiency and are enabled to deal with it. For example: For example: If one were to attempt to square 738 and calculated 54,464, a quick sanity check could show that this result cannot be true. These examples are from the Cambridge English Corpus and from sources on the web. If the result is 10000 in the application, there is no need to test further. Being able to admit one's potential for mistakes is also a valuable trait to have, especially when working with others.When someone conducts a sanity check, he or she confirms that something does indeed make sense. Students of People may also casually ask each other for a sanity check, as in "Am I crazy, or are you driving a different car today?" People may feel more comfortable making gentle corrections if a request for a sanity check is issued, while a mistake made by someone who insists that he or she is always right may go unaddressed, leading to future problems.Ever since she began contributing to the site several years ago, Mary has embraced the I'm not sure about this, but have heard it. Learn more. spends her free time reading, cooking, and exploring the great outdoors.I think the term "reality check" may have some of the same meanings, but is more casual, and sometimes preemptive. For example, if someone calculated that 5 times 37 was 163, a sanity test would suggest that this answer was wrong, because multiples of five end in 5 or 0.In the humanities, sanity checks are used to confirm that the ideas in a paper or discussion are sound and that they have a basis in provable material. Clear answers for common questions Also known as sanity tests, these checks have a number of valuable uses. Doubt has been cast on his sincerity and also on his sanity. What is annoying is when sometimes people pretend to know everything and won't admit that they can be wrong. A sanity test can refer to various orders of magnitude and other simple rule-of-thumb devices applied to cross-check mathematical calculations. Jokes I got from my friends through the internet have kept my sanity in this time of crisis. But if they had, one of them at least would have doubted the young man's sanity. When people recognize that they could be wrong, I believe they learn to learn. Clear answers for common questions FILIPINOS are known for their terrific sense of humor. A historian, for example, might ask for one from colleagues when formulating an interpretation of a series of events.